[图书][B] Towards the Essence of Adult Experiential Learning: A Reading of the Theories of Knowles, Kolb, Mezirow, Revans and Schon.

A Malinen - 2000 - ERIC
This book seeks to locate the essence of adult experiential learning, a central phenomenon
in adult education. Chapter 1, The Theme of Adult Experiential Learning in Research …

Transformative learning as an “inter-practice” phenomenon

S Hodge - Adult Education Quarterly, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Transformative learning theory and practice-based theory both offer compelling but distinct
accounts of adult learning. The vicissitudes of individual meaning-making is the focus of …

Transformation theory-postmodern issues

J Mezirow - 1999 - newprairiepress.org
This paper briefly comments on selected issues raised by postmodern writers regarding
Transformation Theory, as developed by the author. Issues include situated learning …

[PDF][PDF] Assessing learning, critical reflection, and quality educational outcomes: the critical incident questionnaire

DL Gilstrap, J Dupree - 2008 - ir.ua.edu
This research study incorporates Brookfield's Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIQ) as a
qualitative instrument to assess the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for …

" Minäkö asiantuntija?": varhaiskasvatuksen asiantuntijan merkitysperspektiivin ja identiteetin rakentuminen

P Kupila - 2007 - jyx.jyu.fi
Varhaiskasvatuksen opiskelijat kehittävät asiantuntijuuttaan monipuolisesti, yksilöllisesti ja
erilaisesti. Yhteiskunnallisesti suuntautunut opiskelija painottaa asiantuntijan …

Teaching across cultures: Building pedagogical relationships in diverse contexts

CH Ikpeze - Teaching across Cultures, 2016 - brill.com
We live in an era in which higher education has become increasingly international: millions
of students leave their home countries to study each year, faculty are increasingly mobile …

[HTML][HTML] The seed of transformation: A disorientation index

TG Ensign - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Transformation is all around us. It spans geography, time, cultures, religions and disciplines.
Throughout life, events occur when something we thought was certain becomes uncertain …

Investigating Causality between Global Experience and Global Competency for Undergraduates in Contemporary China's Higher Education: A Transformative …

J Li, J Xu - International Journal of Higher Education, 2016 - ERIC
The purpose of this study is to investigate the causal relationship between global experience
and global competency from a transformative learning theory perspective. China society is …

[HTML][HTML] An analysis of the concept criticality in adult education

BW Raiskums - 2008 - search.proquest.com
The concept criticality has emerged over the past 25 years as central to the field of adult
education. At the same time, its conceptualization has been problematic to participants in the …

[PDF][PDF] Students' Perceptions of Online Learning During the COVID-19 Lockdown: The Realities of Social Justice for Rural University Students

OA Ajani - Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic's Distance Learning on …, 2022 - library.oapen.org
Social justice is a significant feature of any democratic government that aims at providing
education for all. Access to an equal education is a fundamental right of every South African …