On the interplay between graphs and matroids

JG Oxley - London Mathematical society lecture note series, 2001 - books.google.com
Abstract" If a theorem about graphs can be expressed in terms of edges and circuits only it
probably exemplifies a more general theorem about matroids." This assertion, made by Tutte …

[PDF][PDF] Circuits through cocircuits in a graph with extensions to matroids

S McGuinness - Combinatorica, 2005 - faculty.tru.ca
The circumference of a graph (resp. matroid) is defined to be the size of its largest cycle
(resp. circuit) and the cocircumference is the size of its largest cocycle (resp. cocircuit). We …

[PDF][PDF] Bonds intersecting cycles in a graph

S McGuinness - Combinatorica, 2005 - faculty.tru.ca
Bonds intersecting cycles in a graph Page 1 COMBINATORICA Bolyai Society – Springer-Verlag
0209–9683/105/$6.00 c 2005 János Bolyai Mathematical Society Combinatorica 25 (4) (2005) …

Extremal graphs with prescribed circumference and cocircumference

PL Wu - Discrete Mathematics, 2000 - Elsevier
Let G be a loopless 2-connected graph with circumference c and with largest bond of size
c∗. In an earlier paper, the author proved that| E (G)|⩽ 1 2 cc∗. This paper determines all 2 …

[HTML][HTML] On cocircuit covers of bicircular matroids

J McNulty, NA Neudauer - Discrete mathematics, 2008 - Elsevier
Given a graph G, one can define a matroid M=(E, C) on the edges E of G with circuits C
where C is either the cycles of G or the bicycles of G. The former is called the cycle matroid …

[HTML][HTML] Circuit and fractional circuit covers of matroids

S McGuinness - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2010 - Elsevier
Let M be a connected matroid having a ground set E. Lemos and Oxley proved that| E (M)|≤
12c (M) c∗(M) where c (M)(resp. c∗(M)) is the circumference (resp. cocircumference) of M. In …

[PDF][PDF] An introduction to extremal matroid theory with an emphasis on the geometric perspective

J Bonin - preprint, 2003 - blogs.gwu.edu
The goal of these talks is to give you a good idea of what the field of extremal matroid theory
is about. We will prove some basic results in extremal matroid theory, we will discuss a …

[PDF][PDF] Hamilton cycles, paths and spanning trees in a graph

K Ozeki - 2009 - iroha.scitech.lib.keio.ac.jp
A cycle in a graph is called a hamilton cycle if it passes all vertices of the graph. A problem of
determining whether a given graph has a hamilton cycle or not is important in Graph Theory …

[图书][B] Maximal circuits in matroids

PL Wu - 1998 - search.proquest.com
Lovász, Schrijver, and Seymour have shown that if a connected matroid M has a largest
circuit of size c and a largest cocircuit of size c*, then M has at most [special characters …

[引用][C] Width-Length Inequalities and Circuit Covers of Matroids.