[HTML][HTML] On cherry-picking and network containment

R Janssen, Y Murakami - Theoretical Computer Science, 2021 - Elsevier
Phylogenetic networks are used to represent evolutionary scenarios in biology and
linguistics. To find the most probable scenario, it may be necessary to compare candidate …

Clusters, trees, and phylogenetic network classes

L Zhang - … and Phylogenetics: Seminal Contributions of Bernard …, 2019 - Springer
Rooted phylogenetic networks are rooted acyclic digraphs that are used to represent
complex evolution, where reticulation events (such as horizontal gene transfer …

Linear time algorithm for tree-child network containment

R Janssen, Y Murakami - International Conference on Algorithms for …, 2020 - Springer
Phylogenetic networks are used to represent evolutionary scenarios in biology and
linguistics. To find the most probable scenario, it may be necessary to compare candidate …

Linear-time tree containment in phylogenetic networks

M Weller - RECOMB International Conference on Comparative …, 2018 - Springer
We consider the NP-hard Tree Containment problem that has important applications in
phylogenetics. The problem asks if a given single-rooted leaf-labeled network …

Tree containment with soft polytomies

M Bentert, J Malík, M Weller - SWAT 2018, 2018 - hal.science
The Tree Containment problem has many important applications in the study of evolutionary
history. Given a phylogenetic network N and a phylogenetic tree T whose leaves are labeled …

On the Tree and Cluster Containment Problems for Phylogenetic Networks

ADM Gunawan - 2018 - search.proquest.com
The tree containment problem (TCP) and cluster containment problem (CCP) are two
fundamental problems arising from verification of network model for evolution. These …

[PDF][PDF] Tree Containment Wih Soft Polytomies

M Bentert, J Malík, M Weller - 2018 - hal.science
Abstract The TREE CoNtaiNмENt problem has many important applications in the study of
evolutionary history. Given a phylogenetic network N and a phylogenetic tree T whose …