Active fault trace identification using a LiDAR high-resolution DEM: a case study of the central Yangsan Fault, Korea

S Ha, M Son, YB Seong - Remote Sensing, 2022 -
Korea has been recognized as an earthquake-safe zone, but over recent decades, several
earthquakes, at a medium scale or higher, have occurred in succession in and around the …

Attenuation of High-Frequency P and S Waves in the Crust of Southeastern South Korea

TW Chung, H Sato - Bulletin of the Seismological Society …, 2001 -
The seismicity of the Yangsan fault in southeastern S. Korea has received increasing
attention recently because the fault lies in an industrial area. For this fault region, we first …

Interaction between regional stress state and faults: Complementary analysis of borehole in situ stress and earthquake focal mechanism in southeastern Korea

C Chang, JB Lee, TS Kang - Tectonophysics, 2010 - Elsevier
We characterize the present-day stress tensor in southeastern Korean Peninsula using two
different sets of data (geotechnical in situ stress data and earthquake focal mechanism …

Internal structure and materials of the Yangsan fault, Bogyeongsa area, Pohang, South Korea

CM Kim, R Han, GY Jeong, JO Jeong, M Son - Geosciences Journal, 2016 - Springer
The internal structure and materials of a fault are crucial to understanding its mechanical
and fluid flow behaviors because they are interrelated. The Yangsan fault is a major …

Tectonic implication of A-type granites across the Yangsan fault, Gigye and Gyeongju areas, southeast Korean Peninsula

BH Hwang, M McWilliams, M Son… - International Geology …, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Based on field relations and petrographic characteristics, alkali-feldspar granite in the Gigye
area on the western side of the Yangsan fault is classified as an A-type granite. It is mainly …

Cumulative offset analysis of the Central-Southern Yangsan Fault based on topography of Quaternary fluvial terrace

김남권, 최진혁, 박승익, 이태호, 최이레 - 지질학회지, 2020 -
일반적으로 규모 6 이상의 지진과 관련된 단층 파열은 지표까지 전파, 확장될 수 있으며, 이 경우
지표변위가 발생한다. 따라서 제 4 기 지형 또는 퇴적층에 기록된 지표변위 증거는 중대규모 …

Fault reactivation with rapid slip along subsidiary faults in the Yangsan Fault zone, SE Korea

CM Kim, Y Cheon, R Han, GY Jeong, JO Jeong - Geosciences Journal, 2022 - Springer
Earthquake fault slip accompanied by surface ruptures may occur not only along main fault
cores but also along subsidiary faults in damage zones of major (or mature) faults …

'Singwang strike-slip duplex'around the Pohang Basin, SE Korea: its structural evolution and role in opening and fill of the Miocene basin

P Choi - Geosciences journal, 2006 - Springer
In order to elucidate the structural characteristics of the Yangsan Fault in southeastern Korea
the Ganggu-Angang area has been studied in terms of fault branching and fault linkages …

Geometric model of conjugate faulting in the Gyeongsang Basin, southeast Korea

BH Hwang, WG Ernst, M McWilliams, K Yang - Tectonics, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
The NNE trending dextral Yangsan fault system and the WNW trending sinistral Gaum fault
system comprise a conjugate set that cuts the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin along the SE …

Slip tendency of Quaternary faults in southeast Korea under current state of stress

JB Lee, C Chang - Geosciences Journal, 2009 - Springer
We present results of mechanical slip tendency analysis on 23 Quaternary faults in
southeast Korea based on the fault orientations with respect to the present-day in-situ stress …