Director primacy: The means and ends of corporate governance

SM Bainbridge - Nw. UL Rev., 2002 - HeinOnline
Since Ronald Coase's famous article The Nature of the Firm appeared over six decades
ago,'both economists and legal scholars have devoted considerable attention to the theory …

[HTML][HTML] The shareholders vs. stakeholders debate

HJ Smith - MIT Sloan Management Review, 2003 -
The Shareholders vs. Stakeholders Debate MIT Sloan Management Review Logo Menu
Search Topics < Back to Menu Data, AI, & Machine Learning Innovation Leadership Managing …

CEO tenure and company invention under differing levels of technological dynamism

S Wu, E Levitas, RL Priem - Academy of Management Journal, 2005 -
Following from research on firms' upper echelons, this article examines the previously
unstudied issue of how technological dynamism moderates the relationship between a …

Analisis pengaruh kompensasi eksekutif, kepemilikan saham eksekutif dan preferensi risiko eksekutif terhadap penghindaran pajak perusahaan

U Hanafi, P Harto - Diponegoro Journal of Accounting, 2014 -
This study aim to obtain empirical evidence about the influence of executive compensation,
executive ownership and risk preference of executive to corporate tax avoidane. The …

CEO succession: what we know and where to go?

OR Cragun, AJ Nyberg, PM Wright - Journal of Organizational …, 2016 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to conduct a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of
the splintered chief executive officer (CEO) succession literature and provide a unifying …

CEO tenure and the performance-turnover relation

SS Dikolli, WJ Mayew, D Nanda - Review of accounting studies, 2014 - Springer
In a broad cross-section of US firms, we document that the likelihood of a CEO's
performance-related dismissal declines in his tenure. This finding is consistent with both firm …

How does CEO tenure affect corporate social and environmental disclosures in China? Moderating role of information intermediaries and independent board

TM Khan, B Gang, Z Fareed, A Khan - Environmental Science and …, 2021 - Springer
The present study provides empirical evidence on how chief executive officer (CEO) tenure
influences the corporate social and environmental disclosures (CS&ED) of all listed non …

Sound corporate governance and financial performance: Is there a link? Evidence from manufacturing companies in South Africa, Nigeria, and Ghana

L Mensah, MA Bein - Sustainability, 2023 -
The study aimed to compare the effect of sound corporate governance on manufacturing
companies in South Africa, Nigeria, and Ghana on financial performance. The study used a …

The consequences of forced CEO succession for outside directors

KA Farrell, DA Whidbee - The Journal of Business, 2000 - JSTOR
We find an increased likelihood of outside director turnover following forced CEO
succession, especially among those directors that are closely aligned with the outgoing …

Breaking the chains of corporate compensation: Unraveling the complexities of non-executive director compensation in South Africa's boardrooms

NA Owusu, FA Sarpong, NJ Tchuiendem… - Cogent Business & …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This study investigates the impact of excluding stock options for non-executive directors
(NEDs) on the relationship between executive pay and firm performance. The research …