Chapter 2: In search of the school curriculum

NJ Gehrke, MS Knapp… - Review of research in …, 1992 -
Euclid may have been among the first to note that" the whole is the sum of its parts." But
surely he was not describing" the curriculum." Given our experience over the several months …

Chapter 1: Cognitive psychology and educational practice

R Calfee - Review of research in education, 1981 -
" Over the past quarter-century, no development in the social sciences has been more
radical than the revolution—often referred to as the information processing revolution—in …

Classroom effects on children's achievement trajectories in elementary school

RC Pianta, J Belsky, N Vandergrift… - American …, 2008 -
This nonexperimental, longitudinal field study examines the extent to which variation in
observed classroom supports (quality of emotional and instructional interactions and amount …

Controlling for student background in value-added assessment of teachers

D Ballou, W Sanders, P Wright - Journal of educational and …, 2004 -
The Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System measures teacher effectiveness on the
basis of student gains, implicitly controlling for socioeconomic status and other background …

An empirical comparison of statistical models for value-added assessment of school performance

CD Tekwe, RL Carter, CX Ma, J Algina… - … of Educational and …, 2004 -
Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM) have been used extensively for value-added analysis,
adjusting for important student and school-level covariates such as socioeconomic status. A …

Distorting value added: The use of longitudinal, vertically scaled student achievement data for growth-based, value-added accountability

JA Martineau - Journal of Educational and Behavioral …, 2006 -
Longitudinal, student performance-based, value-added accountability models have become
popular of late and continue to enjoy increasing popularity. Such models require student …

6: Effective College Teaching

WJ McKeachie, JA Kulik - Review of research in education, 1975 -
Teaching effectiveness has become one of the most controversial issues in higher
education, as pressures of student riots in the 1960's were followed by financial pressures …

Effects of questioning techniques and recitation on student learning

MD Gall, BA Ward, DC Berliner… - American …, 1978 -
Two experiments were done in which sixth-grade students participated in 10 ecology
lessons, each involving reading/viewing of curriculum materials plus a teaching treatment. In …

Chapter 1: Policy instruments in education

J Hannaway, N Woodroffe - Review of research in education, 2003 -
A massive proliferation has occurred in the tools of public action, in the instruments or
means used to address public problems. Whereas earlier government activity was largely …

Assessing barriers to the reform of US mathematics instruction from an international perspective

LM Desimone, T Smith, D Baker… - American Educational …, 2005 -
The authors assessed five commonly perceived barriers to increased use of conceptual
teaching in mathematics in the United States related to teacher autonomy, trade-offs with …