Objectification of Folk Culture and Warranty Policy of Authenticity a Case Study on a Movement for Afro-Venezuelan Cultural Revitalization in San Millán, Venezuela

J ISHIBASH - Popular Music Studies, 1999 - jstage.jst.go.jp
In this article the author discusses the problem of" cultural objectification" which occurs in the
process of cultural construction. The ethnographic data is based on a movement for Afro …

3. 復興という名の文化創造(II. 事例発表, グローバル化とアイデンティティ・クライシス, ワークショップ(1), 1999 年度ワークショップ記録)

石橋純 - 宗教と社会, 2000 - jstage.jst.go.jp
3. 復興 とい う名の 文化創造 108 Page 1 The Japanese Association for the Study of Religion
and Society NII-Electronic Library Service The Japanese Assoolatlon for the Study of Rellglon …