Six views of embodied cognition

M Wilson - Psychonomic bulletin & review, 2002 - Springer
The emerging viewpoint of embodied cognition holds that cognitive processes are deeply
rooted in the body's interactions with the world. This position actually houses a number of …

An oscillator model of the timing of turn-taking

M Wilson, TP Wilson - Psychonomic bulletin & review, 2005 - Springer
When humans talk without conventionalized arrangements, they engage in conversation—
that is, a continuous and largely nonsimultaneous exchange in which speakers take turns …

Phonological features and phonotactic constraints in speech production

M Goldrick - Journal of Memory and Language, 2004 - Elsevier
Languages are subject to phonotactic constraints—restrictions on sound sequences. An
implicit learning paradigm examined whether participants could acquire constraints at two …

Speaking words: Contributions of cognitive neuropsychological research

B Rapp, M Goldrick - Cognitive neuropsychology, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
We review the significant cognitive neuropsychological contributions to our understanding of
spoken word production that were made during the period of 1984 to 2004–since the …

Toward a scalable holographic word-form representation

GE Cox, G Kachergis, G Recchia, MN Jones - Behavior research methods, 2011 - Springer
Phenomena in a variety of verbal tasks—for example, masked priming, lexical decision, and
word naming—are typically explained in terms of similarity between word-forms. Despite the …

Holographic string encoding

T Hannagan, E Dupoux, A Christophe - Cognitive science, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
In this article, we apply a special case of holographic representations to letter position
coding. We translate different well‐known schemes into this format, which uses distributed …

[图书][B] Patterns of sound, patterns in mind: Phonological regularities in speech production

MA Goldrick - 2003 -
Linguistic research has documented a wide range of regularities in phonological structure.
Within languages, certain sound combinations are ill-formed, never appearing in words of …

Connectionist principles in theories of speech production

M Goldrick - 2007 -
Connectionist principles in theories of speech production | The Oxford Handbook of
Psycholinguistics | Oxford Academic Skip to Main Content Advertisement Oxford Academic …

Testing the roles of disfluency and rate of speech in the coordination of conversation

IR Finlayson - 2014 -
This thesis is concerned with two different accounts of how speakers coordinate
conversation. In both accounts it is suggested that aspects of the manner in which speech is …

Connectionist principles in theories of speech production

L Brehm, M Goldrick - The Oxford handbook of psycholinguistics, 2018 -
IN psycholinguistics, speech production refers broadly to the processes mapping a message
the speaker intends to communicate onto its form. If a speaker wishes to tell someone “The …