Trade on the Black Sea in the archaic and classical periods: some observations

GR Tsetskhladze - Trade, Traders and the Ancient City, 2005 -
In the specialist literature and even in student textbooks, the Black Sea area and Greek trade
with this region are mainly presented in a very simple way: that the Greeks colonised the …

History and influence of the Danube delta lobes on the evolution of the ancient harbour of Orgame (Dobrogea, Romania)

G Bony, C Morhange, N Marriner, A Baralis… - Journal of …, 2015 - Elsevier
On the coast of Northern Dobrogea, south of the Danube delta, the Greek settlement of
Orgame was founded in the mid 7th c. BC, probably by Milesian colonists. The ancient city …

Die Beziehungen von Griechen und Barbaren im nordwestlichen Pontos-Gebiet. Untersuchungen zu Handel-und Warenaustausch vom 7. bis. 3. Jh. v. Chr. auf …

V Banari - None, 2003 -
Die Dissertation „Die Beziehungen von Griechen und Barbaren im nordwestlichen Pontos-
Gebiet. Untersuchungen zu Handel-und Warenaustausch vom 7. bis. 3. Jh. v. Chr. auf …

[图书][B] Greek cities on the western coast of the Black Sea: Orgame, Histria, Tomis, and Kallatis (7th to 1st century BCE)

S Andrews - 2010 -
Greek colonization is one of the most important phenomena in understanding Greek history,
especially once the Greeks set up settlements away from their home land, in new …

[PDF][PDF] Mobilité des paysages et stratégies coloniales au sud du delta du Danube: la colonie grecque d'Orgamè/Argamum (Jurilovca, département de Tulcea …

G Bony, A Baralis, V Lungu, N Marriner… - … croisées en Dobrogea …, 2013 -
Orgamè constitue un des quatre plus anciens établissements grecs de Mer Noire. Fondée
vers le milieu du VIIème av. J.-C. sur le littoral septentrional de la Dobroudja, la cité occupe …

Ionians in the Eastern Black Sea Littoral (Colchis)

GR TSETSKHLADZE - Ionians in the West and East, 2022 -
The present chapter deals with Ionian colonies in Colchis. Recent studies have
demonstrated that they appeared not as was previously thought in the middle of the 6th …

Istros, Black Sea Coast, Romania A geoarchaeological perspective on the location of the harbour (s)

A Bivolaru, V Bottez, A Asăndulesei, A Vladu… - … the Mediterranean I …, 2021 -
Istros, founded during the 7th century BCE, is one of the oldest Greek colonies on the shores
of the Black Sea. On the southern margin of the Danube delta, what was an ancient maritime …

How Greek colonists adapted their way of life to the conditions in Kolkhis

GR Tsetskhladze - Antiquitates Proponticae, Circumponticae et …, 1997 -
In the scholarly literature devoted to Graeco-barbarian relations scholars have frequently
discussed only one question: how local society was influenced by the Greek colonists. The …

Histria. Quelques notes sur le port antique

M Angelescu - Pontica, 2018 -
L'évolution de l'emplacement du port est traitée dans cet article dans le contexte des
nouvelles théories concernant les modifications de la partie méridionale duDelta du …

[PDF][PDF] Istros, Black Sea Coast, Romania

A Bivolaru, V Bottez, A Asăndulesei, A Vladu, T Sava… -
Istros, founded during the 7th century BCE, is one of the oldest Greek colonies on the shores
of the Black Sea. On the southern margin of the Danube delta, what was an ancient maritime …