Legal Pluralism in the Context of the Distribution of Women's Inheritance

I Sinaga, HAM Razali - … Jurnal Perbandingan Mazhab, 2022 -
This paper is a legal pluralism research on the partition of women's inheritance. It
investigates the reality that not all existing and applicable legal laws are being followed …

The Legal Discourse of Al-Ādah Muhakkamah on Mappanini Bosi Tradition in Bone Regency

A Widjaja, MA bin Mahmusin… - Mazahibuna …, 2023 -
Abstract The inhabitants of Pattiro Village, situated within the Dua Boccoe Subdistrict of
Bone Regency, are renowned for their customary practice known as" mappanini bosi." …

Revealing the Economic Justice in the Inheritance Legal System in Indonesia

MM Amiruddin - Al-Risalah Jurnal Ilmu Syariah Dan …, 2022 -
The purpose of this study was to reveal economic justice in the inheritance legal system in
Indonesia Qualitative research was used in this study to frame, analyze, and provide …

[PDF][PDF] Legal Pluralism In The Context Of The Distribution Of Women's Inheritance: Constellation Of State, Islamic And Customary Laws

I Sinaga, HAMR Nurhayati… - MAZAHIBUNA: Jurnal …, 2022 -
This paper is a legal pluralism research on the partition of women's inheritance. It
investigates the reality that not all existing and applicable legal laws are being followed …

[引用][C] The Contestation of Legal Foundations in the Resolution of Islamic Economic Disputes in Religious Courts

AY Anshori - Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2024

[PDF][PDF] Андрій Богданович Гриняк

НВ Міловська - Науковий юридичний журнал -
У статті досліджено особливості здійснення права на спадкування шляхом відмови від
прийняття спадщини та правових наслідків такої відмови, а також визначено основні …