Distribution, ecological role and symbioses of selected shrubby species in the Mediterranean Basin: a review

E Lombardo, S Bancheva, G Domina… - Plant Biosystems-An …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Among the Mediterranean ecosystems, shrublands are a characteristic type of vegetation,
widespread in different habitats. Owing to different factors such as the physiological …

[图书][B] Climate change and invasive plants in South Australia

D Kriticos, ND Crossman, N Ota, JK Scott - 2010 - Citeseer
Alongside habitat destruction, invasive species and climate change are considered as some
of the most significant threats to biodiversity (Seabloom et al., 2006; Burgman et al., 2007; …

[PDF][PDF] Novità floristiche per le regioni Sardegna e Toscana

V Lazzeri, F Mascia, F Sammartino… - Acta Plantarum …, 2013 - researchgate.net
Le ricerche floristiche svoltesi principalmente negli ultimi due anni hanno portato alla
scoperta di alcuni taxa in precedenza mai osservati nei territori di Sardegna e Toscana …

Chromosome evolution in the cosmopolitan genus Lycium (Solanaceae)

L Stiefkens, ML Las Peñas, RA Levin, JS Miller… - Taxon, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Lycium is the only member of tribe Lycieae (Solanoideae, Solanaceae), and it has a
cosmopolitan distribution with its greatest diversity in southern South America, southern …

[PDF][PDF] Notas corológicas, sistemáticas y nomenclaturales para el catálogo de la Flora Vascular del Principado de Asturias. III

JA Fernández Prieto, VM Vázquez… - … Cantabricae, 5 (1), 2017 - digibuo.uniovi.es
Esta serie de notas es continuación de las 58 contribuciones publicadas en el “Boletín de
Ciencias de la Naturaleza del Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, nº 52” y en …

Strategic bidding in Colombian electricity market using a multi-agent learning approach

L Gallego, O Duarte, A Delgadillo - 2008 IEEE/PES …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, a multi-agent model of an electricity market is proposed using the agent-based
computational economics (ACE) methodology. The proposed methodology for modeling the …

Biology of Invasive Plants 2. Lycium ferocissimum Miers

MR Noble, RJ Adair, KB Ireland - Invasive Plant Science and …, 2021 - cambridge.org
The name of the genus Lycium originates from the Greek name lykion for a thorny shrub,
derived from Lycia, the name of an ancient country in Asia Minor where a similar spiny shrub …

[HTML][HTML] The effect of electric transmission constraints on how power generation companies bid in the Colombian electrical power market

LE Gallego Vega, OG Duarte Velasco - Ingeniería e Investigación, 2010 - scielo.org.co
This paper presents the results of research about the effect of transmission constraints on
both expected electrical energy to be dispatched and power generation companies' bidding …

[PDF][PDF] Nuevas observaciones de interés corológico sobre flora vascular gallega (NO ibérico)

XI González-Martínez - NACC. Bioloxia, 2019 - revistas.usc.gal
Se presenta información de interés corológico sobre 12 taxones de flora vascular
recolectados en diversos ambientes de Galicia, fundamentalmente en la provincia de Lugo …

[HTML][HTML] Estudio sobre el papel de las restricciones de transmisión en la oferta de la energía eléctrica en Colombia

LE Gallego Vega, OG Duarte Velasco - Ingeniería e Investigación, 2010 - scielo.org.co
El presente artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre el análisis del efecto
que tienen las redes de transmisión sobre la cantidad esperada de energía a generar y …