Simultaneous observation of nonlinear magneto-optical rotation in the temporal and spectral domains with an electro-optic frequency comb
We simultaneously observe the Larmor precession of rubidium atoms in both the temporal
and spectral domains using an electro-optically generated frequency comb. Rubidium vapor …
and spectral domains using an electro-optically generated frequency comb. Rubidium vapor …
Amplified noise nonstationarity in a mode-locked laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation
Beat note measurements between a mode-locked (ML) and a continuous-wave laser, as
well as between two ML sources, were used to demonstrate that the sub-threshold, cavity …
well as between two ML sources, were used to demonstrate that the sub-threshold, cavity …
Increase in the signal-to-noise ratio of the beat note between a frequency comb and a continuous-wave laser
For most comb-based applications, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the beat note between
the comb and the continuous-wave laser is a critical parameter that affects the stability of the …
the comb and the continuous-wave laser is a critical parameter that affects the stability of the …