Enumerative sphere shaping for wireless communications with short packets

YC Gültekin, WJ van Houtum… - IEEE Transactions …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Probabilistic amplitude shaping (PAS) combines an outer shaping layer with an inner,
systematic forward error correction (FEC) layer to close the shaping gap. Proposed for PAS …

Probabilistic shaping for finite blocklengths: Distribution matching and sphere shaping

YC Gültekin, T Fehenberger, A Alvarado, FMJ Willems - Entropy, 2020 - mdpi.com
In this paper, we provide a systematic comparison of distribution matching (DM) and sphere
shaping (SpSh) algorithms for short blocklength probabilistic amplitude shaping. For …

Comparison and optimization of enumerative coding techniques for amplitude shaping

YC Gültekin, WJ Van Houtum… - IEEE …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The energy efficiency of enumerative coding algorithms is investigated for amplitude
shaping in the context of binary transmission. First, a simple method for the calculation of the …

[PDF][PDF] Enumerative sphere shaping techniques for short blocklength wireless communications

YC Gültekin - 2020 - research.tue.nl
Nowadays, wireless communication standards are promising data rates around 10 Gbps to
their users. Compared to the standards that came out at the beginning of the millennia, this …