Rehabilitation to enable recovery from COVID-19: a rapid systematic review

VA Goodwin, L Allan, A Bethel, A Cowley, JL Cross… - Physiotherapy, 2021 - Elsevier
Objectives To establish the evidence for rehabilitation interventions tested in populations of
patients admitted to ICU and critical care with severe respiratory illness, and consider …

[图书][B] Buku Ajar Keperawatan Kritis: Pendekatan Evidence Base Practice Nursing

H Suwardianto - 2020 -
Kami berhadap bahwa buku ini dapat berkontribusi dalam pembelajaran mahasiswa dan
pemahamannya terkait penggunaan hasil penelitian yang telah ada. Buku referensi ini kami …

Pain Level in Critical Patients With Sleep Hygiene Care In Intensive Care Unit

H Suwardianto, DAKW Sari - Journal Of Nursing Practice, 2019 -
Bacground: Complaints in critical patients are an unpleasant experience as long as patients
are admitted to the ICU. Critical patients with pain are still common and need collaboration …

Physical and Cognitive Therapy (PCT) in Critically Ill Patient

H Suwardianto - Connectivity and Functional Specialization in the …, 2021 -
The condition of Critically ill patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) can make heavier
impairment physical and cognitive functions. The research objective is to prove that physical …

Spiritual Deep Breathing Exercise Is Effective In Reducing Anxiety And Stabilizing Oxygen Saturation In COVID-19 Patients

A Muthoharoh, R Anggraini… - INTEREST: Jurnal Ilmu …, 2022 -
Background: Problems that arise in COVID-19 patients include, often experiencing deep
anxiety characterized by fear of pain, fear of death, fear of losing personal independence …

Nyeri Pasien Kritis Pada Intervensi Sleep Hygiene Care Di Intensive Care Unit

H Suwardianto, DAKW Sari - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2019 -
Pasien Kritis memiliki banyak keluhan saat dirawat di Icu salah satunya adalah keluhan
nyeri. Pasien kritis mengeluh nyeri dan dapat mengganggu segala respon yang terjadi pada …

[PDF][PDF] E-Learning Innovation in Indonesia: Journal Sharing of Critical Care (JSCC) for Nursing Students in the Pandemic Covid-19.

H Suwardianto, V WA - Medico-Legal Update, 2020 -
The challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic was Nursing Students studying at home. The
innovation of e-learning encourages Clinical Reasoning, patient safety, self-actualization …

Competency In Critical Care Nursing With Approach Methods Journal Sharing of Critical Care (JSCC) In Nursing Profession Students

H Suwardianto, VW Astuti - STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 2020 -
The results showed that most respondents had good critical nursing competency scores
including primary assessment: airway assessment (53.8%); breathing assessment (56.4%); …

Critical Nursing Care With Nursing Problems, Impaired Gas Exchange and Inhibition of Spontaneous Ventilation in Patient with Coronary Heart Disease: A Case Study

H Suwardianto - STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 2021 -
Coronary heart disease is the highest cause of death and requires nursing care that is quite
complex to overcome. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of nursing …

[图书][B] Monograf Karakteristik kemampuan menjelaskan teori, pengkajian primer, prosedur diagnostik, asuhan keperawatan, softskill terhadap outcame mahasiswa …

H Suwardianto - 2020 -
Puji Syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, sehingga Buku Monograf Karakteristik
kemampuan menjelaskan teori, pengkajian primer, prosedur diagnostik, asuhan …