Red blood cell dynamics during malaria infection challenge the assumptions of mathematical models of infection dynamics
For decades, mathematical models have been used to understand the course and outcome
of malaria infections (ie, infection dynamics) and the evolutionary dynamics of the parasites …
of malaria infections (ie, infection dynamics) and the evolutionary dynamics of the parasites …
Red blood cell dynamics during malaria infection challenge the assumptions of mathematical models of infection dynamics
For decades, mathematical models have been used to understand the course and outcome
of malaria infections (ie, infection dynamics) and the evolutionary dynamics of the parasites …
of malaria infections (ie, infection dynamics) and the evolutionary dynamics of the parasites …
Host and antibiotic jointly select for greater virulence in Staphylococcus aureus
Widespread antibiotic usage has resulted in the rapid evolution of drug-resistant bacterial
pathogens and poses significant threats to public health. Resolving how pathogens respond …
pathogens and poses significant threats to public health. Resolving how pathogens respond …