[PDF][PDF] 臺灣高等教育政策依循新自由主義的現象與缺失

姜添輝 - 2015 - edubook.com.tw
摘要經由美國的強力推動, 全球化經濟體系得以明顯擴張, 其鉅額經濟利益使得許多國家需遵守
此體系的法則. 但這並非被迫屈從, 往往是主動迎合, 因為這些國家已接納其背後哲學 …

Why do higher education policies in Taiwan incline towards neo-liberalism? A critique on this approach

TH Chiang - Taiwan Journal of Sociology of Education, 2015 - search.proquest.com
Under American promulgation, globalization has expanded its sphere of influence. As this
system embodies a considerable amount of capitalist profit, its member countries need to …

探究非國家運作模式之師資培育制度: 以蘇格蘭教學總會做為NGO 的經驗為例

林怡君 - Educational Policy Forum, 2017 - search.ebscohost.com
摘要臺灣近來在《 工會法》 修正後, 教育人員工會組織如雨後春筍般產生, 但有關臺灣教師專業
公會發展的討論卻仍付之闕如. 回顧20 世紀, 英國政府為追求此職業的專業化, 在蘇格蘭, 英格蘭 …

Exploring the non-state mode of operation for teacher education system: the case of the development of general teaching council for Scotland as A NGO

YC Lin - Educational Policy Forum, 2017 - search.proquest.com
Abstract After re-enacting Labor Union Act in 2010, trade unions organized by primary and
secondary school teachers and educational practitioners have been thriving in Taiwan …

[引用][C] 少子化趨勢下台灣師資培育之困境與省思~

李俊湖, 組員, 陳志強, 陳禎祐, 白博仁, 陳文俊… - 第106 期國小校長儲訓班 …, 2007