Titan's atmosphere and climate

SM Hörst - Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Titan is the only moon with a substantial atmosphere, the only other thick N2 atmosphere
besides Earth's, the site of extraordinarily complex atmospheric chemistry that far surpasses …

Titan as revealed by the Cassini radar

RMC Lopes, SD Wall, C Elachi, SPD Birch… - Space Science …, 2019 - Springer
Titan was a mostly unknown world prior to the Cassini spacecraft's arrival in July 2004. We
review the major scientific advances made by Cassini's Titan Radar Mapper (RADAR) …

Titan's surface at 2.18-cm wavelength imaged by the Cassini RADAR radiometer: Results and interpretations through the first ten years of observation

MA Janssen, A Le Gall, RM Lopes, RD Lorenz… - Icarus, 2016 - Elsevier
A comprehensive calibration and mapping of the thermal microwave emission from Titan's
surface is reported based on radiometric data obtained at 2.18-cm wavelength by the …

A global geomorphologic map of Saturn's moon Titan

RMC Lopes, MJ Malaska, AM Schoenfeld… - Nature …, 2020 - nature.com
Titan has an active methane-based hydrologic cycle that has shaped a complex geologic
landscape, making its surface one of most geologically diverse in the Solar System. Despite …

Surface properties of the seas of Titan as revealed by Cassini mission bistatic radar experiments

V Poggiali, G Brighi, AG Hayes, PD Nicholson… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Saturn's moon Titan was explored by the Cassini spacecraft from 2004 to 2017. While
Cassini revealed a lot about this Earth-like world, its radar observations could only provide …

Titan: Earth-like on the outside, ocean world on the inside

SM MacKenzie, SPD Birch, S Hörst… - The Planetary …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Abstract Thanks to the Cassini–Huygens mission, Titan, the pale orange dot of Pioneer and
Voyager encounters, has been revealed to be a dynamic, hydrologically shaped, organic …

Titan's climate patterns and surface methane distribution due to the coupling of land hydrology and atmosphere

SP Faulk, JM Lora, JL Mitchell, PCD Milly - Nature Astronomy, 2020 - nature.com
Planetary surfaces beyond Earth's are impacted by surface hydrology, and exhibit fluvial and
lacustrine features. Titan in particular harbours a rich hydroclimate replete with valley …

Titan's impact crater population after Cassini

JE Hedgepeth, CD Neish, EP Turtle, BW Stiles, R Kirk… - Icarus, 2020 - Elsevier
Titan is Saturn's largest moon and has a dynamic surface with methane rivers carved by an
active hydrological cycle and sand seas shaped by aeolian processes. One way to study the …

Geomorphological map of the Afekan Crater region, Titan: Terrain relationships in the equatorial and mid-latitude regions

MJ Malaska, RMC Lopes, DA Williams, CD Neish… - Icarus, 2016 - Elsevier
We carried out geomorphological mapping in a mid-latitude area surrounding the Afekan
Crater region on Titan. We used Cassini RADAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar mode) data as …

Electrification of sand on Titan and its influence on sediment transport

JS Méndez Harper, GD McDonald, J Dufek… - Nature …, 2017 - nature.com
Triboelectric, or frictional, charging is a ubiquitous yet poorly understood phenomenon in
granular flows. Recognized in terrestrial volcanic plumes and sand storms, such …