Geographies of peace and antiviolence

JM Loyd - Geography Compass, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Geography's ties with war‐making, territorial and imperial conquest are well known.
Geography has also made contributions to the study of peace. In recent years, geographers …

[图书][B] Globalization and borders: Death at the global frontier

L Weber, S Pickering - 2011 - Springer
“Leanne Weber and Sharon Pickering in Globalization and Borders: Death at the Global
Frontier draw attention to this urgent concern and make a remarkable contribution to the …

[图书][B] Operation gatekeeper and beyond: The war on" illegals" and the remaking of the US–Mexico boundary

J Nevins - 2010 -
This is a major revision and update of Nevins' earlier classic and is an ideal text for use with
undergraduate students in a wide variety of courses on immigration, transnational issues …

[图书][B] Immigration nation: Raids, detentions, and deportations in post-9/11 America

TM Golash-Boza - 2015 -
In the wake of September 11, 2001, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was
created to prevent terrorist attacks in the US. This led to dramatic increases in immigration …

[图书][B] Clandestine crossings: Migrants and coyotes on the Texas-Mexico border

D Spener - 2009 -
Clandestine Crossings delivers an in-depth description and analysis of the experiences of
working-class Mexican migrants at the beginning of the twenty-first century as they enter the …

Immigration geopolitics beyond the Mexico–US border

M Coleman - Antipode, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Despite the centrality of Mexico–US border policing to pre‐and post‐9/11 US immigration
geopolitics, perhaps the most significant yet largely ignored immigration‐related fallout of …

[图书][B] Boats, borders, and bases: Race, the cold war, and the rise of migration detention in the United States

JM Loyd, A Mountz - 2018 -
Discussions about US migration policing have traditionally focused on enforcement along
the highly charged US-Mexico boundary. Enforcement practices such as detention policies …

[图书][B] Blockading the border and human rights: The El Paso operation that remade immigration enforcement

TJ Dunn - 2009 -
52 Chapter 3 income, Mexican American neighborhoods near the border—difficult if not
impossible to sustain. The local political climate had turned decisively against the unit, with a …

The criminalization of immigrants as a racial project

DM Provine, RL Doty - Journal of Contemporary Criminal …, 2011 -
Contemporary policy responses to unauthorized immigration, we argue, reinforce racialized
anxieties by (a) focusing attention on physically distinctive and economically marginalized …

International migration, border controls and human rights: Assessing the relevance of a right to mobility

A Pécoud, P De Guchteneire - Journal of Borderlands Studies, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
This article discusses the arguments in favor of and against a right to mobility. It argues that
contemporary migration and border policies are largely restrictive but still fail to meet their …