[图书][B] Great Expectations: Realising social and environmental benefits from public-private partnerships in agricultural supply chains

E Brickell, P Elias - 2022 - odi.org
Executive summary With expansion of agriculture the leading driver of deforestation, there is
a need to incentivise changes in supply chains to reduce forest loss caused by agricultural …

Business and international development: Is systemic change part of the business approach?

J Thorpe - 2014 - opendocs.ids.ac.uk
Systems thinking has started to appear within the discourse around 'business and
development', as governments, donors and NGOs are increasingly seeking to leverage …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluating opportunities for enhancing Mondelez sourcing strategies to ensure sustainability of its cocoa supply

C Healy, J Ng, D Vermeer - Nicolas School of the …, 2014 - dukespace.lib.duke.edu
Chocolate is a multibillion dollar industry with nearly 50 million people along cocoa's global
value chain dependent on the crop for their livelihood. In recent years low productivity …

Leveraging a More Sustainable Global Agricultural System: Improving Multinational Organizations' Capacities to Procure

E Bragg, K Krogseng, C Schwaller - 2013 - diva-portal.org
The procurement of agricultural commodities by multinational organizations has been
identified as a leverage point for moving the global agricultural system towards …


J Thorpe - 2014 - core.ac.uk
Systems thinking has started to appear within the discourse around 'business and
development', as governments, donors and NGOs are increasingly seeking to leverage …