Bose-Einstein condensation in quantum magnets

V Zapf, M Jaime, CD Batista - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2014 - APS
This article reviews experimental and theoretical work on Bose-Einstein condensation in
quantum magnets. These magnets are natural realizations of gases of interacting bosons …

Hilbert space fragmentation and commutant algebras

S Moudgalya, OI Motrunich - Physical Review X, 2022 - APS
We study the phenomenon of Hilbert space fragmentation in isolated Hamiltonian and
Floquet quantum systems using the language of commutant algebras, the algebra of all …

The bond-algebraic approach to dualities

E Cobanera, G Ortiz, Z Nussinov - Advances in physics, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
An algebraic theory of dualities is developed based on the notion of bond algebras. It deals
with classical and quantum dualities in a unified fashion explaining the precise connection …

Light-cone-like spreading of correlations in a quantum many-body system

M Cheneau, P Barmettler, D Poletti, M Endres… - Nature, 2012 -
In relativistic quantum field theory, information propagation is bounded by the speed of light.
No such limit exists in the non-relativistic case, although in real physical systems, short …

Dualities in one-dimensional quantum lattice models: symmetric Hamiltonians and matrix product operator intertwiners

L Lootens, C Delcamp, G Ortiz, F Verstraete - PRX Quantum, 2023 - APS
We present a systematic recipe for generating and classifying duality transformations in one-
dimensional quantum lattice systems. Our construction emphasizes the role of global …

Quantum algorithms for fermionic simulations

G Ortiz, JE Gubernatis, E Knill, R Laflamme - Physical Review A, 2001 - APS
We investigate the simulation of fermionic systems on a quantum computer. We show in
detail how quantum computers avoid the dynamical sign problem present in classical …

Simulating physical phenomena by quantum networks

R Somma, G Ortiz, JE Gubernatis, E Knill, R Laflamme - Physical Review A, 2002 - APS
Physical systems, characterized by an ensemble of interacting constituents, can be
represented and studied by different algebras of operators (observables). For example, a …

Overlap-ADAPT-VQE: practical quantum chemistry on quantum computers via overlap-guided compact Ansätze

C Feniou, M Hassan, D Traoré, E Giner… - Communications …, 2023 -
ADAPT-VQE is a robust algorithm for hybrid quantum-classical simulations of quantum
chemical systems on near-term quantum computers. While its iterative process …

Statistical localization: From strong fragmentation to strong edge modes

T Rakovszky, P Sala, R Verresen, M Knap, F Pollmann - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
Certain disorder-free Hamiltonians can be nonergodic due to a strong fragmentation of the
Hilbert space into disconnected sectors. Here, we characterize such systems by introducing …

Mpemba effects in nonequilibrium open quantum systems

X Wang, J Wang - Physical Review Research, 2024 - APS
The Mpemba effect was originally referred to as the faster icing of a higher-temperature
system than a lower-temperature system, and was later generalized to anomalous decays of …