Effectiveness of interventions for mobile phone distracted pedestrians: a systematic review

ME Arafat, GS Larue, SG Dehkordi - Journal of safety research, 2023 - Elsevier
Introduction: Mobile phones are used universally due to their versatility and easy-to-use
features; this includes when users are walking and when crossing streets. At intersections …

Assessment pedestrian crossing safety using vehicle-pedestrian interaction data through two different approaches: Fixed videography (FV) vs In-Motion Videography …

A Sheykhfard, F Haghighi - Accident analysis & prevention, 2020 - Elsevier
A significant portion of pedestrian accidents occurs in the outskirts areas due to the high
vehicle speed and lack of safety facilities for pedestrians. Behavioral study on drivers and …

[HTML][HTML] Pedestrian behaviour in integrated street designs: a mesoscopic analysis

I Kaparias, I Tsonev - Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Recent trends in urban design have called for more equal treatment of all road users and
have effected a shift away from the traditional concept of segregation and towards more …

[HTML][HTML] Caracterización de los siniestros viales en el Ecuador

AE Congacha, J Barba Brito… - Revista Digital …, 2019 - scielo.senescyt.gob.ec
Miles de vidas se pierden cada año como consecuencia de los siniestros viales, en tanto
que las lesiones se presentan con traumatismos leves y severos, los que en varios casos …

Evaluating the pedestrian gap acceptance in semicontrolled midblock crosswalks with an integrated AHP-FL approach

Y Alver, BY Katanalp - Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A …, 2022 - ascelibrary.org
Gap acceptance, the fundamental part of pedestrian crossing behavior, represents a
pedestrian's assessment of how safe an existing gap in traffic flow is to cross the path. This …

Development of pedestrian collision avoidance strategy based on the fusion of Markov and social force models

B Tang, Z Yang, H Jiang, Z Hu - Mechanical Sciences, 2024 - ms.copernicus.org
In urban traffic, accurate prediction of pedestrian trajectory and advanced collision
avoidance strategy can effectively reduce the collision risk between intelligent vehicles and …

Still careless: findings from a cross-sectional study of young pedestrians' risky road crossing behaviors

M Hashemiparast, M Sharma… - Archives of public …, 2020 - Springer
Background Pedestrian-vehicle collision is one of the most common traffic injuries
worldwide. This study aimed to investigate the determinants of pedestrians' road crossing …

Morbimortalidade por acidentes de trânsito terrestres na Bahia entre os anos de 2011 e 2021

LV Ramos, IC Barreto, FB Miguel - Revista de Ciências Médicas …, 2022 - periodicos.ufba.br
Introdução: os acidentes de trânsito terrestre (ATT) representam um problema de saúde
pública de grande relevância, que tem provocado impacto na morbimortalidade da …

Predictors and geographic analysis of road traffic accidents in Leon, Nicaragua

C Toval-Ruiz, C Rojas-Roque… - Revista Brasileira …, 2020 - SciELO Public Health
Objective: To identify environmental factors present in areas with high density of road traffic
accidents (RTA) in Leon, Nicaragua. Methods: The analysis included all accidents recorded …

Uninsured Motorists' Risk Attitudes and Pedestrian Road Safety: Evidence from Metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria

SS Ajemunigbohun, KA Banjo… - Journal of International …, 2024 - journal.uitm.edu.my
With the increasing prevalence of uninsured vehicles in urban areas, motorists' behaviours
on pedestrian safety are crucial for developing effective road safety strategies. This study …