Identification of Incung Characters (Kerinci) to Latin Characters Using Convolutional Neural Network

TA Putri, T Suratno, U Khaira - IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of …, 2022 -
Incung script is a legacy of the Kerinci tribe located in Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province. On
October 17, 2014, the Incung script was designated by the Ministry of Education and Culture …

Hiragana Character Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks Methods based on Adam, SGD, and RMSProps Optimizer

IUW Mulyono, Y Kusumawati, A Susanto… - Scientific Journal of …, 2024 -
Purpose: Hiragana image classification poses a significant challenge within the realms of
image processing and machine learning. Despite advances, achieving high accuracy in …

Strategi transliterasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan menulis aksara Jawa bagi mahasiswa

Y Widiyono, H Setyowati, A Aryanto - Jurnal Pendidikan Surya …, 2022 -
Aksara Jawa sebagai bentuk budaya sejatinya perlu dilestarikan dan dipelajari, namun
generasi muda di era ini, kurang mengenal dan belum tahu cara membaca maupun menulis …

A Deep Learning Approach for Word Segmentation in Javanese Letter Manuscript Transliteration

M Nevin, IKAA Putra, DB Ansori… - … Innovation and Its …, 2024 -
Traditionally written using the Javanese Letter or “Aksara Jawa” script, the Javanese
language encompasses a rich corpus of manuscripts that record diverse subjects such as …

Pattern Recognition of Bima Script Handwritting using Convolutional Neural Network Method

GK Ramdhani, F Bimantoro… - … , Electronics, and Control, 2024 -
Bima is one of the regions in West Nusa Tenggara Province. The Bima script is a cultural
heritage used as a means of communication by the Bima community in the past. The decline …

Aplikasi Penerjemah Huruf Braille Berbasis Android

NA Ramadana, A Selao - Jurnal Sintaks Logika, 2024 -
Reading braille requires sensitivity of the hand, memorizing every combination of dots that
are formed. Getting to know Braille takes a relatively long time. The aim of this research is to …

An Initial Study in Historical Javanese Script Recognition Data Synthetic using Neural Style Transfer

D Herumurti - 2024 11th International Conference on …, 2024 -
Recognizing and digitizing Javanese scripts is challenging due to their unique characters
and style, which traditional character recognition methods struggle to handle. This study …

Transliterating Javanese Script Images to Roman Script using Convolutional Neural Network with Transfer Learning

MF Naufal, J Siswantoro… - International Journal on …, 2024 -
The Javanese script holds immense cultural significance within Indonesia despite its
diminishing usage in contemporary contexts. Its presence remains notable in specific …

Pengenalan Kepribadian Melalui Tulisan Tangan Menggunakan Convulutional Neural Network Dengan LS Classifiers

YV Guntara - Digital Zone: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi …, 2023 -
Tulisan tangan seseorang berbeda dan unik, walaupun terlihat mirip tapi tentu tidak sama
dengan tulisan orang lain. Ciri kepribadian seseorang dapat diidentifikasi berdasarkan …