Model četvorostruke spirale (QUADRUPLE HELIX MODEL) kao osnova nacionalnog inovacionog sistema

J Ješić - 2015 -
Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije pod nazivom Četvorostruki heliks model
(Quadruple Helix Model) kao osnova nacionalnog inovacionog sistema jeste analiza …

Research of posibilities for implementation of innovations in advanced systems for biomass and other solidwaste treatment

RP Tomić, MŽ Radosavljević, LN Jovanović - Tehnika, 2015 -
In the start, an aproach of the situation regarding the objectification of innovation is given
(from the level of invention and patents), through design to commercialization of new …

[PDF][PDF] Research of Posibilities for Implementation of Innovations in Advanced Systems for Biomass and Other Solid Waste Treatment

It was pointed out that waste management is carried out, according to the requirements of
legislation and the specifics of functioning of public enterprises and companies (including …

Challenges of (non) sustainable development

R Pejanović, J Ješić - Book of Proceedings: GEA (Geo Eco …, 2020 -
The authors critically consider the concept of unsustainable development of economy and
society, the many manifestations of such development, as well as the causes and …

Sustainable Universities as Innovation Centers for Sustainable Development

S Softić - International Journal of Economics & Law, 2019 -
In the higher education system in the Republic of Serbia, there is a relatively large number of
young people studying, but a very small percentage of those who complete their studies …

Eco-innovation indicators as indicators of green economy and sustainability of development

S Vukadinović, J Ješić - … : Innovation as an initiator of the …, 2019 -
The concepts of sustainable development based on green economy and circular economy
has become a topical and important issue in global environmental management in recent …

[PDF][PDF] Финансирање заштите животне средине у Републици Србији

B Radovanović - Универзитет „Алфа БК “, 2018 -
Један од највећих проблема са којима се суочава данашње друштво је брига за
екологију и животну средину. Човеков немар и небрига довели су у питање опстанак …