Performance analysis and comparison of machine learning algorithms for predicting nugget width of resistance spot welding joints

S Zamanzad Gavidel, S Lu, JL Rickli - The International Journal of …, 2019 - Springer
Recently, machine learning algorithms have been extensively utilized in resistance spot
welding (RSW) applications to develop non-destructive weldability assessment systems to …

Principal component imagery for the quality monitoring of dynamic laser welding processes

M Jager, FA Hamprecht - IEEE Transactions on Industrial …, 2008 -
A popular technique to monitor laser welding processes is to record laser-induced plasma
radiation with a highspeed camera. The recorded sequences are analyzed using pattern …

Sputter tracking for the automatic monitoring of industrial laser-welding processes

M Jager, S Humbert… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2008 -
The importance of laser welding in industry increases. Many welds have high-quality
demands, and one possibility to satisfy the quality requirements is to monitor the welding …

Application of the Extended nn Method to Resistance Spot Welding Process Identification and the Benefits of Process Information

HJ Koskimaki, P Laurinen… - IEEE Transactions …, 2007 -
Resistance spot welding is used to join two or more metal objects, and the technique is
widely used in, for example, the automotive and electrical industries. This paper introduces …

Smart archive: A component-based data mining application framework

P Laurinen, L Tuovinen, J Roning - … Conference on Intelligent …, 2005 -
Implementation of data mining applications is a challenging and complicated task, and the
applications are often built from scratch. In this paper, a component-based application …

Feature selection for identification of spot welding processes

E Haapalainen, P Laurinen, H Junno… - Informatics in Control …, 2008 - Springer
Process identification in the field of resistance spot welding can be used to improve welding
quality and to speed up the set-up of a new welding process. Previously, good classification …

[图书][B] Statistical approach to performance comparison of predictive algorithms: application in resistance spot welding

SZ Gavidel - 2018 -
Abstract Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) is the dominant process to fabricate body closures
and structural components in automotive industry. RSW is a complex process with …


杨乃文, 张鹏贤, 董亚娅, 陈剑虹 - 2008 -
摘要电阻点焊过程易受多种故障因素的影响, 针对生产过程中经常出现的电极轴向错位,
工件表面未处理, 工件翘曲和工件导电不良四种故障状态, 通过对实时采集的电极位移信号波形 …

Building a database to support intelligent computational quality assurance of resistance spot welding joints

L Tuovinen, P Laurinen, H Koskimaki… - 2007 IEEE …, 2007 -
A database system for storing information on resistance spot welding processes is outlined.
Data stored in the database can be used for computationally estimating the quality of spot …

Sifat Kekuatan Tarik dari Sambungan Tunggal Komposit Anyaman Serat Jute-Polypropylene dengan Metode Resistance Welding

NW Sugiarti, M Noviantoro, IGK Sukadana… - TEKNIK -
Makalah ini menyampaikan hasil penelitian kekuatan tarik sambungan resistance welding
(RW) dari komposit berbasis anyaman serat jute matrik polypropylene (JFRP). Metode RW …