Hoping for the best or preparing for the worst? Regulatory focus and preferences for optimism and pessimism in predicting personal outcomes
A Hazlett, DC Molden, AM Sackett - Social Cognition, 2011 - Guilford Press
People are rarely completely accurate in forecasting their own futures. Instead, past
research has demonstrated tendencies for both optimistic and pessimistic bias in thinking …
research has demonstrated tendencies for both optimistic and pessimistic bias in thinking …
Optimism biases: Types and causes
PD Windschitl, JOR Stuart - The Wiley Blackwell handbook of …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
This chapter discusses various types of optimism biases and the causes of those biases. It
suggests that the field sorely needs more consistency in its use of terms related to optimism …
suggests that the field sorely needs more consistency in its use of terms related to optimism …
and Causes
PD Windschitl, JOR Stuart - The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of …, 2015 - books.google.com
People often have overly rosy expectations. Overoptimism can be found regarding a variety
of outcomes, such as how an election will turn out, whether one will get divorced, how the …
of outcomes, such as how an election will turn out, whether one will get divorced, how the …