Central bank asset purchases, banks' risky security holdings and profitability: Macro and micro evidence from Japan and the US
L Wang - International Review of Economics & Finance, 2023 - Elsevier
By focusing exclusively on risky securities and conducting cross-country analyses at both
macro and micro levels--a different approach than those employed in the existing literature …
macro and micro levels--a different approach than those employed in the existing literature …
Risk-taking and bank competition under a low interest rate environment: Evidence from loan-level data
M Shikimi - Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2023 - Elsevier
The literature has shown that loose monetary policy increases risky lending; however, it is
unclear whether its effects are asymmetric based on the degree of bank competition. In this …
unclear whether its effects are asymmetric based on the degree of bank competition. In this …
How competitiveness evolved in the Japanese bank loan market between 1977 and 2020
T Maruyama - Japan and the World Economy, 2024 - Elsevier
In this study, I estimate the degree of competition in the Japanese loan market using a new
empirical industrial organization method. With it, I conduct a long-term analysis of more than …
empirical industrial organization method. With it, I conduct a long-term analysis of more than …
Measuring concentration in the Japanese loan and deposit markets
This study is the first to exhaustively calculate the degree of concentration in regional
banking markets using the outstanding amount of loans and deposits at branches and …
banking markets using the outstanding amount of loans and deposits at branches and …
Modelling the challenges faced by Indian engineering consultancies: an ISM analysis
VR Pramod, SR Devadasan… - International Journal of …, 2023 - inderscienceonline.com
This contribution explores the synergic impact of the challenges faced by the engineering
consultancy services. Consultancy services are always subjected to various challenges. It is …
consultancy services. Consultancy services are always subjected to various challenges. It is …
Unconventional monetary policy and the bond market in Japan: A new Keynesian perspective
P Basu, K Wada - Japan and the World Economy, 2023 - Elsevier
Using the lens of a medium scale DSGE model, we analyze macroeconomic effects of
Japan's unconventional monetary policy which is known as Qualitative and Quantitative …
Japan's unconventional monetary policy which is known as Qualitative and Quantitative …
[PDF][PDF] Modelling Bond Yield: Case of Japan Work in progress
P Basu, JK Shin, K Wada - 2023 - parantapbasu.webspace.durham.ac …
Using the lens of a medium scale DSGE model, we analyze the macroeconomic effects of
Japan's unconventional monetary policy which is known as Qualitative and Quantitative …
Japan's unconventional monetary policy which is known as Qualitative and Quantitative …
[PDF][PDF] Essays on Allocative Efficiency in Corporate Finance
Y Cai - (No Title), 2022 - waseda.repo.nii.ac.jp
Expansionary monetary policy was considered by the world's central banks to be one of the
most important measures to cope with the 2008 global financial crisis, as monetary …
most important measures to cope with the 2008 global financial crisis, as monetary …
Search-for-Yield and Home Bias under Quantitative Easing
H Tanaka, K Hori, A Shibata - KIER Discussion Paper, 2024 - repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp
This study analyzes the impact of investors' search-for-yield behavior on home bias in the
bond market. We conduct a regression analysis using data from 27 countries, including both …
bond market. We conduct a regression analysis using data from 27 countries, including both …
[PDF][PDF] The Effects of Regional Bank Mergers on Local Firms
K Sawayama, D Kawaguchi - 2022 - pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp
I study the effects of regional bank mergers on corporate borrowers using eight large in-
market mergers between 2004 and 2018 in Japan, exploiting an event study framework. My …
market mergers between 2004 and 2018 in Japan, exploiting an event study framework. My …