Methods and systems for managing financial institution customer accounts

W Johnson - US Patent 11,244,289, 2022 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A computer-implemented method and system for managing financial
institution customer transaction accounts involves issuing a relationship presentment card …

[图书][B] Electronic financial services: technology and management

HA Wan - 2006 -
Electronic Financial Services provides an extensive overview of technology management
and information communications technologies (ICT) in the financial services. Chapters cover …

Electronic bill presentment and payment

C Legner, K Wende - 2006 -
Although various authors have postulated the benefits of Electronic Bill Presentment and
Payment (EBPP), penetration of electronic invoicing is in practice still low. The following …

B2G electronic invoicing as enforced high impact service: Open issues

PL Agostini, R Naggi - … , Institutions, and Technologies: ItAIS: The Italian …, 2009 - Springer
Although electronic invoicing is considered one of the most promising instruments to
improve the efficiency of economic systems, in Europe it has not yet achieved significant …

Using electronic invoicing to manage cash forecasting and working capital in the financial supply chain

A Fairchild - 2004 -
Abstract Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment (EIPP) can assist corporate treasurers
in cash management and can be integrated with e-marketplaces and other B2B financial …

Die Financial Chain im Supply Chain Management: Konzeptionelle Einordnung und Identifikation von Werttreibern

J Franke, D Pfaff, R Elbert, M Gomm… - Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005 …, 2005 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Die Verflechtung von Industrie-und Handelsunternehmen mit
Finanzdienstleistern wächst. Ebenfalls nimmt die Industrialisierung der Finanzwelt stetig zu …

Inter-organizational e-Services from a SME Perspective: A Case Study on e-Invoicing

R Naggi, PL Agostini - Information Technology and Innovation Trends in …, 2011 - Springer
Adoption of inter-organizational e-services like e-Invoicing is not a simple task for SMEs.
This work is an exploratory attempt to understand such complexity. Through the analysis of a …

An investigation into trust and security in the mandatory and imposed use of financial ICTs upon older people

DM Cook - 2018 -
Care needs to be taken to reduce the number of people who are fearful and mistrustful of
using ICT where that usage is forced upon them without choice or alternative. The growing …

[图书][B] Initial Design of a Maturity Model for Electronic Invoice Processes

A Cuylen, L Kosch, V Böhm, MH Breitner - 2013 -
Dematerialization and automation of invoice processes are an essential opportunity for
companies to pare down expenses, optimize administrative tasks, and in turn, increase …

[PDF][PDF] Quo vadis elektronische Rechnung?-Forschungsstand,-lücken,-fragen und-potenziale.

A Cuylen, L Kosch, MH Breitner - MKWI, 2012 -
Die elektronische Rechnungsverarbeitung gewinnt in Europas Unternehmen, staatlichen VerwaltungenundOrganisationenanBedeut…
. DieinternenGeschäftsprozesseunddieProze… unter Geschäftspartnern ändern sich …