Predicting river channel pattern based on stream power, bed material and bank strength

J Candel, M Kleinhans, B Makaske… - Progress in Physical …, 2021 -
Rivers exhibit a wide variety of channel patterns, and predicting changes in channel pattern
is important in order to foresee river responses to climate change and river restoration. Many …

Local factors determining spatially heterogeneous channel migration in a low-energy stream

F Menting, EW Meijles - Water, 2019 -
Since the 1990s, nature and water management policies have attempted to re-create natural
rivers systems by mimicking curvy meandering planforms, based on the assumption that …

Het natuurlijke patroon van beken: Slingerend of meanderend?

A Makaske, E van der Deijl… - Landschap: tijdschrift voor …, 2016 -
Bij beekherstel wordt vaak gesproken van 'hermeandering', waarmee meestal bedoeld
wordt dat een rechtgetrokken beek weer een natuurlijk bochtig patroon krijgt. Hieronder …

[PDF][PDF] Late Holocene channel pattern change from laterally stable to 5 meandering caused by climate and land use changes

JHJ Candel, MG Kleinhans, B Makaske… - Submitted to Earth …, 2018 -
River channel patterns may alter due to changes in hydrological regime, related to changes
in climate or land cover. Such changes are well documented for transitions between …

[PDF][PDF] The Dommel Valley

V Smits -
In the Netherlands, 96% percent of all streams is influenced by human activities resulting in
a decrease in the ecological value and hydrological condition of streams. Stream restoration …

[图书][B] The Late Glacial and Holocene morphodynamic evolution of the lowland stream the Dommel, southern Netherlands

N Kijm - 2018 -
Lowland streams are being restored to their natural situation throughout Europe. However, a
lot of projects do not meet their goals. Furthermore, there is a knowledge gap on the …

Tangible Landscape: A Waterway Design Education Tool

M Meijer, RJA van Lammeren… - Journal of Digital …, 2021 -
This study proposes the specification of a Tangible landscape (TL) to be used in the
educational setting of a landscape design atelier. The main learning outcomes are to design …

[PDF][PDF] Beekherstel en cultuurhistorie. De rol van cultuurhistorie in beken en beekdalen.

BC Veltkamp - 2020 -
Sinds de 20e eeuw is beekherstel een belangrijke opgave voor waterschappen, in het kader
van de Kaderrichtlijn Water. In de maatregelen die worden genomen ligt de nadruk vooral …

[图书][B] Tangible landscape: a design tool for Dutch waterways

M Meijer - 2019 -
Tangible Landscape (TL) is a projection-augmented sandbox powered by a Geographical
Information System (GIS) for near real-time geospatial analysis of design options. TL is an …

[PDF][PDF] A half-natural Vecht in 2050: what does this mean and how do we get there?

M van Ree - image, 2019 -
Shaping climate resilient water management in a more natural way is the purpose of
transforming the Vecht in a half-natural river within the coming decades. Until now …