The influence of breed and type of extender on the quality of bull semen
I Sukirman, E Sukmawati, SD Rasad… - Animal …, 2020 -
This study aimed to determine the influence of breed and type of extenders on frozen semen
quality of cows at BIB Lembang. The experimental study was conducted in a Factorial …
quality of cows at BIB Lembang. The experimental study was conducted in a Factorial …
[PDF][PDF] Efek Lama penyimpanan semen beku sapi bali pada pos inseminasi buatan terhadap membran plasma, tudung akrosom utuh, dan DNA spermatozoa
F Ardhani, H Mufidah, R Samsuriati… - Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan …, 2020 -
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of frozen storage time for Bali Bull in
artificial insemination station in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan on the quality of motility …
artificial insemination station in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan on the quality of motility …
Efektivitas sukrosa sebagai proteksi aktif membran ekstraseluler spermatozoa sapi Bali pada zona pre-freezing
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas kinerja sukrosa dalam Tris kuning telur
sebagai krioprotektan untuk perlindungan aktif ekstraseluler membran plasma utuh …
sebagai krioprotektan untuk perlindungan aktif ekstraseluler membran plasma utuh …
Persentase tudung akrosom utuh spermatozoa pada semen beku sapi simmental dengan penambahan gentamisin dan minyak atsiri jeruk manis pada bahan …
Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan gentamisin dan minyak atsiri
jeruk manis pada bahan pengencer tris kuning telur terhadap persentase Tudung Akrosom …
jeruk manis pada bahan pengencer tris kuning telur terhadap persentase Tudung Akrosom …
Effect of Incubation Time During Sperm Sexing Process on Sperm Quality of Pasundan Bull
SD Rasad, N Solihati, K Winangun… - Jurnal Ilmu Ternak …, 2020 -
The research was conducted to evaluate the effect of incubation time on viability, plasma
membrane integrity, abnormality, and DNA integrity of sexed Pasundan’ s bulls sperm …
membrane integrity, abnormality, and DNA integrity of sexed Pasundan’ s bulls sperm …
Integrity of Sperm Cell Bali Bull Preserved at 5° C Using a Diluent Formulation of Extracted Red Fruit and Coconut Water
M Ervandi - Journal La Lifesci, 2023 -
This study aims to determine the role of the best diluent in protecting the integrity of the
spermatozoa membrane after storage using an alternative diluent formulation of red fruit …
spermatozoa membrane after storage using an alternative diluent formulation of red fruit …
Plasma membrane integrity and acrosomal integrity of fresh and frozen Bali bull semen based on different ejaculate volume
NA Bahmid, NI Jamil, ODP Yusuf… - … Series: Earth and …, 2023 -
Semen volume is one of the measuring points used to determine the quality of a bull's
semen in one ejaculate. Plasma Membrane Integrity (PMI) and Acrosomal Integrity (AI) are …
semen in one ejaculate. Plasma Membrane Integrity (PMI) and Acrosomal Integrity (AI) are …
Effectiveness of Various Glycerol Concentrations as a Cryoprotectant in Frozen Semen of Pasundan Cattle.
R SD - Indonesian Journal of Animal & Veterinary …, 2022 -
This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Glycerol as a cryoprotectant with
various concentrations on the quality of Pasundan cattle semen. Semen was collected from …
various concentrations on the quality of Pasundan cattle semen. Semen was collected from …
Efektifitas Suhu Thawing Terhadap Keadaan Membran Plasma Utuh (Mpu) Dan Tudung Akrosom Utuh (Tau) Spermatozoa Sapi Bali
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu thawing terhadap nilai livabilitas
membran plasma utuh dan tudung akrosom utuh spermatozoa sapi bali. Penelitian ini …
membran plasma utuh dan tudung akrosom utuh spermatozoa sapi bali. Penelitian ini …