Being at the cutting edge of online shopping: Role of recommendations and discounts on privacy perceptions
Despite the explosion of selling online, customers continue to have privacy concerns about
online purchases. To alleviate such concerns, shopping sites seek to employ interventions …
online purchases. To alleviate such concerns, shopping sites seek to employ interventions …
Digital Nudge Stacking and Backfiring: Understanding Sustainable E-Commerce Purchase Decisions
Background: The consumption of 'fast fashion', which is expedited by cost-effective e-
commerce systems, represents one of the major factors contributing to the acceleration of …
commerce systems, represents one of the major factors contributing to the acceleration of …
[PDF][PDF] A hybrid system for personalized content recommendation
As electronic commerce has penetrated into the publication business, personalized content
recommendation has drawn much attention in recent years for automated informational …
recommendation has drawn much attention in recent years for automated informational …
Exploiting implicit social relationships via dimension reduction to improve recommendation system performance
The development of Web 2.0 and the rapid growth of available data have led to the
development of systems, such as recommendation systems (RSs), that can handle the …
development of systems, such as recommendation systems (RSs), that can handle the …
Proximity marketing and context-information awareness
This chapter investigates the role of new digital devices in marketing initiatives to provide
personalized offerings thanks to context-aware information. Despite the scholars' suggestion …
personalized offerings thanks to context-aware information. Despite the scholars' suggestion …
Improving online recommendation systems-a user-centric approach
A Vu - 2023 -
Personalised recommendations are essential and highly familiar to regular Internet users.
Big online platforms (eg Google, YouTube, and Facebook) are increasingly employing …
Big online platforms (eg Google, YouTube, and Facebook) are increasingly employing …
The Effect of the Personalized Recommendation System of Online Shopping Platform on Consumers' Purchase Intention
Y Lu, J Kim - Information Systems Review, 2023 -
Many online shopping sites now offer personalized recommendation systems to improve
consumers' shopping experiences by lowering costs (time, cost, etc.), catering to consumers' …
consumers' shopping experiences by lowering costs (time, cost, etc.), catering to consumers' …
Adopting several models to alleviate sparsity and cold-start problems using data mining techniques for recommendation systems
AMA Al-Sabaawi - 2021 -
The development of Web 2.0 and the rapid growth of available data have led to the evolution
of multiple systems among them the Recommendation Systems (RSs) which can handle the …
of multiple systems among them the Recommendation Systems (RSs) which can handle the …
Anteseden Dan Konsekuensi Kepuasan Konsumen Go-Food (Studi Kasus Di Yogyakarta)
IZ Rohman, DK Asri - Modus, 2021 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel perceived quality dan
kepercayaan (trust) terhadap kepuasan konsumen, serta pengaruh kepuasan konsumen …
kepercayaan (trust) terhadap kepuasan konsumen, serta pengaruh kepuasan konsumen …