Herbivory-induced stress: leaf developmental instability is caused by herbivore damage in early stages of leaf development

E Alves-Silva, K Del-Claro - Ecological Indicators, 2016 - Elsevier
Herbivory is a major source of plant stress and its effects can be severe, decreasing plant
fitness, or subtle, affecting the development of leaves by influencing the normal pattern of …

Gestão de resíduos ea indústria de beneficiamento de arroz

DB Lorenzett, M Neuhaus… - Revista Gestão …, 2012 - revistas.utfpr.edu.br
O Brasil, em especial o Rio Grande do Sul, é um grande produtor de arroz. Sabe-se que o
processo de beneficiamento desse produto gera certos resíduos como a casca do arroz, por …

Species Identification in the Thrips Genus-Group in Brazil

EFB Lima, EA Miyasato, LS Fontes - Neotropical entomology, 2018 - Springer
The Thrips genus-group is a monophyletic taxon composed of 17 genera, whose
representatives exhibit three main synapomorphies: absence of ocellar setae I, presence of …

Collecting and sampling methods for thrips

EA Silva, EFB Lima, R Marullo, AG Lafuente - … Arthropod Biodiversity: A …, 2021 - Springer
Thrips (order Thysanoptera) are best known for the economic damage they cause in several
crops. The use of appropriate sampling methods can help anticipate potential risks to plants …

Population fluctuations of thrips (Thysanoptera) and their relationship to the phenology of rice in Babolsar (Mazandaran Province, Iran)

M Rajabian Miri, M Shayanmehr… - Journal of Insect …, 2018 - jibs.modares.ac.ir
The objective of this study was to identify the species of thrips associated with rice crops in
order to determine population fluctuation of the dominant species. Studies were conducted …

Capítulo 24: Thysanoptera Haliday, 1836

A Cavalleri, MF Lindner… - Insetos do Brasil …, 2024 - repositorio.inpa.gov.br
Os Thysanoptera são insetos diminutos, em geral com comprimento menor que 3 mm.
Podem ser encontrados em vários hábitats, como flores, folhas, galhos mortos e …

Population fluctuations of two Haplothrips species (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) in rice fields of Ilam province in various climate regions

A Amoozadeh, A Nazari - Animal Environment Journal, 2021 - aejournal.ir
Introduction: The study was conducted to determine population fluctuation of two Haplothrips
species in rice fields with two different climates. Materials & Methods: Samples were …

Sucking Pests of Oilseed Crops

S Borkar, N Matcha, D Ponnusamy, MSP Reddy - Sucking Pests of Crops, 2020 - Springer
Oilseed crops had been integrated into human and animal diets due to their nutrient
compositions. The majority of the oilseed meal consists of proteins and high contents of …


RF ALMEIDA, MSN de SOUZA, PM PRADO… - academia.edu
O processo de beneficiamento de arroz gera uma série de resíduos sólidos, sendo que
alguns têm valor comercial e outros não. Com base nisso, objetivou-se identificar …

Population fluctuations of thrips (Thysanoptera) and their relationship to the phenology of rice in Babolsar (Mazandaran Province, Iran).

MR Miri, M Shayanmehr, M Mirab-Balou - 2018 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The objective of this study was to identify the species of thrips associated with rice crops in
order to determine population fluctuation of the dominant species. Studies were conducted …