Salt marsh nitrogen cycling: Where land meets sea
Salt marshes sit at the terrestrial–aquatic interface of oceans around the world. Unique
features of salt marshes that differentiate them from their upland or offshore counterparts …
features of salt marshes that differentiate them from their upland or offshore counterparts …
Soil organic carbon development and turnover in natural and disturbed salt marsh environments
Salt marsh survival with sea‐level rise (SLR) increasingly relies on soil organic carbon
(SOC) accumulation and preservation. Using a novel combination of geochemical …
(SOC) accumulation and preservation. Using a novel combination of geochemical …
Peat decomposition and erosion contribute to pond deepening in a temperate salt marsh
Salt marsh ponds expand and deepen over time, potentially reducing ecosystem carbon
storage and resilience. The water filled volumes of ponds represent missing carbon due to …
storage and resilience. The water filled volumes of ponds represent missing carbon due to …
Ephemeral microbial responses to pulses of bioavailable carbon in oxic and anoxic salt marsh soils
Roots of salt marsh grasses contribute to soil building but also affect decomposition by
releasing bioavailable carbon exudates and oxygen. Disentangling exudate and oxygen …
releasing bioavailable carbon exudates and oxygen. Disentangling exudate and oxygen …
Constraining Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbances in the Delivery of Coastal Ecosystem Services
SYX Luk - 2022 -
Coastal ecosystems provide key services that benefit human wellbeing yet are undergoing
rapid degradation due to natural and anthropogenic pressures. This thesis seeks to …
rapid degradation due to natural and anthropogenic pressures. This thesis seeks to …
Connections to tidal marsh and restored salt ponds drive seasonal and spatial variability in ecosystem metabolic rates in Lower South San Francisco Bay
We characterized five years of seasonal metabolic patterns in two tidal sloughs in Lower
South San Francisco Bay, one surrounded by a broad tidal marsh and the other connected …
South San Francisco Bay, one surrounded by a broad tidal marsh and the other connected …