The relationship between junk food consumption and other factors with the incidence of dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls

A Evani, S Sugiatmi - AcTion: Aceh Nutrition Journal, 2024 -
Dysmenorrhea has an impact on the disruption of daily activities and a decrease in physical
conditions such as fatigue and lethargy, decreased appetite, and decreased sleep quality …

The Impact of Junk Food on Adolescent Health: Strategies to Promote Healthy Eating in Educational Environments

P Nadila, TJR Tambunan… - Journal Corner of …, 2024 -
Consuming food is a daily necessity needed to meet nutritional requirements that function to
fulfill the basic needs of humans. Adolescents generally love fast food because it comes in a …

Penerapan Abdominal Stretching Exercise Untuk Mengurangi Dismenore Pada Mahasiswi DIII Keperawatan Universitas 'Aisyiyah Surakarta

KN Istiqomah, ED Noorratri - Jurnal Anestesi, 2024 -
Latar belakang: Dismenore masih banyak dialami oleh wanita, nyeri haid muncul hingga
beberapa hari selama menstruasi. Dismenore atau nyeri haid dapat berdampak pada …

Knowledge Of Fast Food With The Incidence Of Obesity In Adolescents At Smp Negeri 5 Denpasar

N Faidah, IPG Sanjaya… - Nursing Sciences …, 2024 -
Teenagers today are not fully able to control a good diet, because, in this day and age, most
teenagers choose more instant food, for example, fast food. The impact that results from …

[PDF][PDF] Relationship Between Sedentary Lifestyle and Fiber Intake Primary Dysmenorrhoea in Overweight Adolescent Girls

HS Puteri, YLR Dewi, S Mulyani - 2023 -
Overweight female adolescents (FA) have a 36.8% risk of primary dysmenorrhea (PD)
compared to FA with normal nutritional status. PD can be minimized by increasing daily …

Hubungan Pengetahuan Remaja Putri Terhadap Konsumsi Makanan Cepat Saji Dengan Kejadian Dismenore Di Sma Swasta Dwitunggal Tanjung Morawa Tahun …

D Anggraini… - Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2024 - …
Latar belakang: Kasus dismenore, atau nyeri haid, saat mentruasi masih terjadi, terutama
pada remaja putri. Konsumsi makanan cepat saji adalah salah satu penyebab utama …