Numerical simulations of magnetic suspensions with hydrodynamic and dipole-dipole magnetic interactions

RG Gontijo, FR Cunha - Physics of fluids, 2017 -
This work describes a numerical model to compute the translational and rotational motion of
N spherical magnetic particles settling in a quiescent viscous fluid under creeping flow …

Nonlinear motion of an oscillating bubble immersed in a magnetic fluid

S Malvar, RG Gontijo, FR Cunha - Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2018 - Springer
The motion of a spherical bubble in a ferrofluid subjected to an acoustic pressure field and a
magnetic field is examined. The continuous fluid here is a colloidal suspension composed of …

The influence of hydrodynamic effects on the complex susceptibility response of magnetic fluids undergoing oscillatory fields: New insights for magnetic hyperthermia

AB Guimarães, FR Cunha, RG Gontijo - Physics of Fluids, 2020 -
In this work, we perform Langevin dynamics simulations to examine microstructure-
macroscopic related properties of magnetic fluids in an attempt to understand the influence …

Dynamic numerical simulations of magnetically interacting suspensions in creeping flow

RG Gontijo, FR Cunha - Powder technology, 2015 - Elsevier
The equations governing the motion of N magnetic particles suspended in a viscous fluid at
low Reynolds and finite Stokes numbers are solved by direct numerical simulations for …

Langevin dynamic simulations of magnetic hyperthermia in rotating fields

RG Gontijo, AB Guimarães - Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2023 - Elsevier
The effect of a rotating magnetic field on heat dissipation due to magnetic hyperthermia is
investigated numerically. A robust and validated in-house code based on Langevin …

Magnetic particulate suspensions from the perspective of a dynamical system

RG Gontijo, S Malvar, FR Cunha - Powder technology, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper focuses on the dynamic behavior of a magnetorheological fluid undergoing an
unsteady oscillatory shear under the presence of an applied magnetic field. The problem is …

[PDF][PDF] Non-equilibrium magnetization dynamics in ferrofluids subjected to quadratic flows

In this work, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of a ferrofluid plane Poiseuille
flow under the action of a uniform applied magnetic field are performed. An original …

Dinâmica de Langevin aplicada ao estudo de magnetohipertermia em suspensões magnéticas

AB Guimarães - 2020 -
Neste trabalho é realizado um estudo computacional, por meio de simulações diretas de
partículas usando Dinâmica de Langevin, para examinar propriedades macroscópicas …

A numerical perspective on the relation between particle rotational inertia and the equilibrium magnetization of a ferrofluid

RG Gontijo - Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017 - Elsevier
This work explores, from a numerical perspective, the role of particle rotational inertia on the
magnetization dynamics of ferrofluids. A robust numerical method is used for this purpose …

[PDF][PDF] Shear sensitive particle suspension flows in slot coating

M da Silveira Carvalho - 2016 -
Rio de Janeiro, 2016. 104p. MSc. Dissertation—Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica,
Pontifıcia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. Coating is the main step in the …