The coherence of inconsistencies: Attitude–behaviour gaps and new consumption communities

C Moraes, M Carrigan, I Szmigin - Journal of Marketing …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Despite the growing success of well-marketed environmentally friendly products, there
remains a gap between consumers' positive attitudes towards green issues and products …

Heterotopian space and the utopics of ethical and green consumption

A Chatzidakis, P Maclaran… - Journal of Marketing …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
In this article, we illustrate how Exarcheia, an Athenian neighbourhood that is renowned for
its capacity for revolt and anti-capitalist ethos, provides a rich site for utopian praxis …

Voluntary simplicity: An exploration of market interactions

D Shaw, C Moraes - International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Voluntary simplicity is often considered to be a sustainable lifestyle phenomenon buttressed
by environment‐friendly consumption practices. Voluntary simplicity is shaped by the …

Beyond recycling:'commons‐friendly'waste reduction at new consumption communities

C Bekin, M Carrigan, I Szmigin - Journal of Consumer …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
This paper broadens current knowledge on consumer waste and disposal behaviour by
exploring the diverse and complementary waste‐reduction strategies and behaviours …

Living production‐engaged alternatives: An examination of new consumption communities

C Moraes, I Szmigin, M Carrigan - Consumption, Markets and …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
In this study we draw on varied theoretical perspectives to explore and gain an alternative
understanding of consumption at New Consumption Communities (NCCs). Intrinsic to the …

Four-stage model of value creation for sustainability-oriented marketing: en route to participatory marketing

A Kelleci - Journal of Macromarketing, 2022 -
Hitherto, the pure marketing concept has focused on creating value for firms and their
customers in a manner consistent with the Dominant Social Paradigm (DSP). Nevertheless …

Sustainability and the human/nature connection: A critical discourse analysis of being “symbolically” sustainable

H de Burgh-Woodman, D King - Consumption Markets & Culture, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Environmental sustainability as a social and marketing discourse has gathered momentum
since the 1990s, forcing companies and consumers to consider how to apprehend this shift …

Purchase power: An examination of consumption as voting

C Moraes, D Shaw, M Carrigan - Journal of Marketing …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
There has been a reported increase in political activity through the marketplace in the form
of 'consumer votes'. The use of marketplace votes by consumers to address their concerns …

Running wild in the marketplace: the articulation and negotiation of an alternative food network

I Kajzer Mitchell, W Low, E Davenport… - Journal of marketing …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, we examine how actors within what we conceptualise as an emerging wild
food alternative network are navigating through the foodscape to find alternatives to …

Konsument wobec wyzwań zrównoważonej konsumpcji: zrównoważone zachowania konsumenckie i ich tereminanty

J Zrałek - Prace Naukowe/Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w …, 2018 -
Wraz ze zwiększaniem się materialnego dobrobytu w krajach rozwiniętych coraz wyraźniej i
na coraz większą skalę ludzkość zaczęła odczuwać negatywne skutki szybkiej …