Weighed down by stigma: How weight‐based social identity threat contributes to weight gain and poor health
Weight stigma is pervasive, and a number of scholars argue that this profound stigma
contributes to the negative effects of weight on psychological and physical health. Some lay …
contributes to the negative effects of weight on psychological and physical health. Some lay …
Is weight stigma associated with physical activity? A systematic review
Objective Weight stigma is associated with impaired health, attributed in part to reductions in
health‐promoting behaviors. This review analyzed evidence of the association between …
health‐promoting behaviors. This review analyzed evidence of the association between …
How and why weight stigma drives the obesity 'epidemic'and harms health
Background In an era when obesity prevalence is high throughout much of the world, there
is a correspondingly pervasive and strong culture of weight stigma. For example …
is a correspondingly pervasive and strong culture of weight stigma. For example …
The impact of appearance comparisons made through social media, traditional media, and in person in women's everyday lives
Appearance comparisons are an important sociocultural factor influencing women's body
image. These comparisons can occur in different contexts (eg, through magazines, social …
image. These comparisons can occur in different contexts (eg, through magazines, social …
Weight stigma predicts poorer psychological well‐being through internalized weight bias and maladaptive coping responses
Objective Weight‐based stigmatization is associated with negative psychological and
behavioral consequences, but individuals respond to stigma in different ways. The present …
behavioral consequences, but individuals respond to stigma in different ways. The present …
Gender differences in the relationship of weight-based stigmatisation with motivation to exercise and physical activity in overweight individuals
Weight stigma is related to lower levels of motivation to exercise in overweight and obesity.
This study explored the nature of the relationship between stigma, motivation to exercise …
This study explored the nature of the relationship between stigma, motivation to exercise …
The relationship between weight stigma, physical appearance concerns, and enjoyment and tendency to avoid physical activity and sport
Participation in physical activity and sport is on the decline and there is a poor
understanding of the psychosocial factors that contribute to people's reluctance to …
understanding of the psychosocial factors that contribute to people's reluctance to …
The negative and bidirectional effects of weight stigma on health
This chapter introduces a model describing the mechanisms by which weight stigma can
lead to poorer health outcomes among people who are or who perceive themselves to be …
lead to poorer health outcomes among people who are or who perceive themselves to be …
Experiences of weight stigma in everyday life: Implications for health motivation.
Weight stigma is a pervasive social problem that can negatively impact the health and well-
being of stigmatized individuals. The present study used ecological momentary assessment …
being of stigmatized individuals. The present study used ecological momentary assessment …
Best practices for weight at work research
Popular and influential social commentators have called organizations complicit in
perpetuating weight-based bias and mistreatment. Although our field has advanced our …
perpetuating weight-based bias and mistreatment. Although our field has advanced our …