A tapestry of identity-based encryption: practical frameworks compared

X Boyen - International Journal of Applied Cryptography, 2008 - inderscienceonline.com
This paper surveys the practical benefits and drawbacks of several identity-based encryption
schemes based on bilinear pairings. After providing some background on identity-based …

Multi-dimensional range query over encrypted data

E Shi, J Bethencourt, THH Chan… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We design an encryption scheme called Multi-dimensional Range Query over Encrypted
Data (MRQED), to address the privacy concerns related to the sharing of network audit logs …

Anonymous hierarchical identity-based encryption (without random oracles)

X Boyen, B Waters - Annual International Cryptology Conference, 2006 - Springer
We present an identity-based cryptosystem that features fully anonymous ciphertexts and
hierarchical key delegation. We give a proof of security in the standard model, based on the …

Sequential aggregate signatures and multisignatures without random oracles

S Lu, R Ostrovsky, A Sahai, H Shacham… - Advances in Cryptology …, 2006 - Springer
We present the first aggregate signature, the first multisignature, and the first verifiably
encrypted signature provably secure without random oracles. Our constructions derive from …

Efficient identity-based signatures secure in the standard model

KG Paterson, JCN Schuldt - Australasian conference on information …, 2006 - Springer
The only known construction of identity-based signatures that can be proven secure in the
standard model is based on the approach of attaching certificates to non-identity-based …

Practical short signature batch verification

AL Ferrara, M Green, S Hohenberger… - Cryptographers' Track at …, 2009 - Springer
In many applications, it is desirable to work with signatures that are short, and yet where
many messages from different signers be verified very quickly. RSA signatures satisfy the …

Batch verification of short signatures

J Camenisch, S Hohenberger, MØ Pedersen - Advances in Cryptology …, 2007 - Springer
With computer networks spreading into a variety of new environments, the need to
authenticate and secure communication grows. Many of these new environments have …

Removing escrow from identity-based encryption: New security notions and key management techniques

SSM Chow - International workshop on public key cryptography, 2009 - Springer
Key escrow is inherent in identity-based encryption (IBE). A curious key generation center
(KGC) can simply generate the user's private key to decrypt a ciphertext. However, can a …

Blind and anonymous identity-based encryption and authorised private searches on public key encrypted data

J Camenisch, M Kohlweiss, A Rial… - Public Key Cryptography …, 2009 - Springer
Searchable encryption schemes provide an important mechanism to cryptographically
protect data while keeping it available to be searched and accessed. In a common approach …

Blind identity-based encryption and simulatable oblivious transfer

M Green, S Hohenberger - International Conference on the Theory and …, 2007 - Springer
In an identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme, there is a key extraction protocol where a user
submits an identity string to a master authority who then returns the corresponding secret …