[PDF][PDF] Investors' behaviour in regard to company earnings announcements during the recession period: evidence from the Macedonian stock exchange

J Angelovska - Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 2017 - hrcak.srce.hr
The study investigates the reaction of investors to annual earnings releases as reflected in
the volume and price movements of common stocks during a recession. We provide an …

Market reaction to regulatory policy changes in financial statements filings: evidence from Turkey

MK Yılmaz, M Aksoy, TT Çelik - Eurasian Economic Review, 2020 - Springer
Financial reporting has a vital impact on investors for acquiring and integrating value-
relevant information in making or revising investment decisions. This article investigates how …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of earnings announcement on share price of manufacturing companies on the Ghana Stock Exchange

F Owusu, EK Gyau, N Amaning - European Journal of Accounting …, 2016 - researchgate.net
It has been well documented in developed Capital markets that stock prices react to
earnings announcement. This research therefore investigated the effect earnings …

Yatırımcı tweetleri ile finansal getiri arasındaki asimetrik nedensellik ilişkisi: Nasdaq teknoloji sektöründe uygulama

M Yavuz - 2019 - gcris.pau.edu.tr
Finansal piyasalarda hisse senedi getirilerinin çok farklı değişkenlerden etkilenmesi
mümkündür. Araştırmacılar, bu değişkenlerin tespiti üzerine yarım yüzyılı aşkın süredir …

A Qualitative Perspective On Earnings Announcement, Stock Return Behaviour And Investment Strategies; A Case Study Of Psx

MI Khan, SH Khalil, SMA Shah, F Sultan… - Journal of Positive …, 2022 - journalppw.com
Purpose of the study: This article addressed the qualitative perspectives on the information
content of earnings announcements, stock return behavior, and investors' tactics in the …

Das Zusammenspiel von Post-Earnings-Announcement-Drift und Value-Effekt: eine empirische Analyse am österreichischen Aktienmarkt/eingereicht von Daniel …

D Weilbuchner - 2024 - epub.jku.at
Über viele Jahrzehnte hinweg, galten der Post-Earnings-Announcement-Drift und der Value-
Effekt als beständige Anomalien an Kapitalmärkten in aller Welt. Zuletzt mehrten sich jedoch …

[PDF][PDF] Mustafa K. Yılmaz, Mine Aksoy &

TT Çelik - researchgate.net
Financial reporting has a vital impact on investors for acquiring and integrating value-
relevant information in making or revising investment decisions. This article investigates how …

Measuring the usefulness of information publication time to proxy for returns

I Blitzer - Economics and Business Review, 2015 - journals.ue.poznan.pl
This paper deals with investors' reaction to financial reports submitted by firms to the stock
exchange, and specifically measures the influence of publication timing on investors: by …

Audit Report Lag and Earnings Quality of Listed Firms In Ghana

OB Duah - 2022 - ir.ucc.edu.gh
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between Audit Report Lag
(ARL) and earnings quality of listed firms in Ghana. Audit Report Lag (ARL) was measured …

Analysis of systematic risk around firm-specific news in an emerging market using high frequency data

S Saleem, PN Smith, A Yalaman - … around Firm-specific News in an …, 2020 - papers.ssrn.com
We investigate whether the daily betas of individual stocks vary with the release of firm-
specific news in an emerging market. Using intraday prices of all stocks traded on the Borsa …