Charity Punishment in Islamic Boarding School to Improving Santri Discipline
I Habibi, T Supriyatno - Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2020 -
The purpose of this article is to analyze and describe the charity punishment in improving
the discipline of santri at the Al Amin Bojonegoro, Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School …
the discipline of santri at the Al Amin Bojonegoro, Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School …
The Contribution Of Kiai Munawwar Adnan Kholil Gresik On Islamic Education
MA Ma'arif, NS Nabila - Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran …, 2020 -
Pesantren as an indigenous culture is able to create unique traditions and works. The
creation of a pesantren is caused by the persistence of its founder, the Kiai. The pesantren …
creation of a pesantren is caused by the persistence of its founder, the Kiai. The pesantren …
[PDF][PDF] Construction of Islamic Boarding Shcool in Developing Moderate Islam
S Yumnah - Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2020 -
Islamic teachings are moderate teachings as set out in the Koran. However, at the level of
practice, Islam sometimes becomes radical and sometimes becomes liberal. This is because …
practice, Islam sometimes becomes radical and sometimes becomes liberal. This is because …
Progressive learning with a prophetic approach at SMA Muhammadiyah PK Surakarta
This study composes two objectives, namely (1) to describe progressivism in learning at
SMA Muhammadiyah PK Surakarta and (2) to describe prophetic values in accordance with …
SMA Muhammadiyah PK Surakarta and (2) to describe prophetic values in accordance with …
Islamic Education in Pesantren: Between Quality, Idealism, or Capitalization
SM Munjiat - Syaikhuna: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pranata …, 2021 -
This article aims to describe and analyze Islamic education in pesantren between the
quality, idealism and capitalization of education. The method used in this article is a …
quality, idealism and capitalization of education. The method used in this article is a …
[HTML][HTML] Konsepsi pendidikan humanis: Studi komparatif pemikiran Abdurrahman Wahid dan Paulo Freire
R Nuresa - 2024 -
INDONESIA Pendidikan sebagai proses humanisasi kerap belum terpenuhi dikarenakan
terbelenggu pada kehancuran nilai kemanusiaan. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi dengan adanya …
terbelenggu pada kehancuran nilai kemanusiaan. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi dengan adanya …
[HTML][HTML] Model komunikasi transaksional kepala sekolah dalam menghadapi perubahan kebutuhan masyarakat di MA Al-Islamiyah II Bujudan Pamekasan
Z Azhari - 2021 -
Model komunikasi transaksional merupakan salah satu model komunikasi yang mana
didalamnya terjadi proses yang berkesinambungan, serta pengiriman dan penerimaan …
didalamnya terjadi proses yang berkesinambungan, serta pengiriman dan penerimaan …
[HTML][HTML] Manajemen peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Al-Qur'an di sekolah berbasis pesantren: Studi kasus di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan An Nur Bululawang …
M Ali - 2020 -
مستخلص البحث في هذا الزمان أصبحت حركة تحفيظ القرآن ظاهرة إيجابية جديدة في العقدين الأول
والثاني من القرن الحادي والعشرين. لا عجب أن يكون للتعليم عند فهمه من الناحية الدينية قيمة …
والثاني من القرن الحادي والعشرين. لا عجب أن يكون للتعليم عند فهمه من الناحية الدينية قيمة …
MA Maarif - 2020 -
Pesantren sebagai indegeneous culture mampu menciptakan tradisi-tradisi dan karya-karya
yang unik. Terciptanya suatu pesantren adalah disebabkan oleh kegigihan pendirinya yaitu …
yang unik. Terciptanya suatu pesantren adalah disebabkan oleh kegigihan pendirinya yaitu …
Al-Manhaj al-Mitsâli fi al-Jâmi'at al-Islâmiyah bi Indonesia Jâmi'at Maulâna Mâlik Ibrâhim Namudzajan
S Mustofa - 2015 -
The dream of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang to become a World Class University has
come true. The evidence of this statement can be seen by the development and role of …
come true. The evidence of this statement can be seen by the development and role of …