Cohort fertility decline in low fertility countries: Decomposition using parity progression ratios

K Zeman, É Beaujouan, Z Brzozowska, T Sobotka - Demographic research, 2018 - JSTOR
BACKGROUND The long-term decline in cohort fertility in highly developed countries has
been widely documented. However, no systematic analysis has investigated which parity …

Partners' educational pairings and fertility across Europe

N Nitsche, A Matysiak, J Van Bavel, D Vignoli - Demography, 2018 - Springer
We provide new evidence on the education-fertility relationship by using EU-SILC panel
data on 24 European countries to investigate how couples' educational pairings predict their …

The part-time revolution: Changes in the parenthood effect on women's employment in Austria across the birth cohorts from 1940 to 1979

B Riederer, C Berghammer - European Sociological Review, 2020 -
Comparing employment rates of mothers and childless women over the life course across
the birth cohorts from 1940 to 1979 in Austria, we address the question of whether the …

The realization of fertility intentions in the context of childbearing postponement: comparison of transitional and post-transitional populations

J Kocourková, A Šťastná - Journal of Biosocial Science, 2021 -
Childbearing postponement is a key demographic change that has been experienced by
most European countries. It leads to a late-fertility pattern, with women realizing their …

Intra-couple (dis) similarity in gender role attitudes and the transition to parenthood in Germany

A Hudde, H Engelhardt - European Sociological Review, 2020 -
This paper tests whether couples in which partners hold dissimilar gender role attitudes are
less likely to have a first child together compared to couples in which both partners share …

The Collision of Global Scripts with Local Constraints: Education as a Risk Factor for Unintended Pregnancy

E Smith-Greenaway, Y Lin, S Yeatman - Socius, 2024 -
Extensive sociological research concludes that education informs people's desires for their
lives and plays an instrumental role in facilitating the fulfillment of those desires. In this …

The Part-Time Revolution: Changes in the Parenthood Effect on Women's Employment in Austria

C Berghammer, B Riederer - 2018 -
We compare employment rates of mothers and childless women over the life course across
the birth cohorts from 1940 to 1979 in Austria. By following synthetic cohorts of mothers and …

Asistovaná reprodukce u single osob a homosexuálních párů. Assisted reproduction techniques (ART) by single persons and homosexual couples

H Konečná - Časopis zdravotnického práva a bioetiky, 2017 -
Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí ČR v posledních měsících opakovaně informuje
veřejnost o svém záměru zpřístupnit asistovanou reprodukci (ART) osobám bez partnera …

Mid-life fertility: Challenges & policy planning

UN Jindal - Indian Journal of Medical Research, 2018 -
This review highlights the challenges, priority areas of research and planning, strategies for
regulation of services and the need to develop guidelines and laws for fertility treatments …

Fertility is low when there is no societal agreement on a specific gender role model

A Hudde - 2016 -
Many authors argue that societal fertility levels are a function of changing gender relations,
but the mechanism behind this association remains unclear and mainly untested. This paper …