Co-inoculation of biochar and arbuscular mycorrhizae for growth promotion and nutrient fortification in soybean under drought conditions

D Jabborova, K Annapurna, A Azimov, S Tyagi… - Frontiers in plant …, 2022 -
Drought is significant abiotic stress that affects the development and yield of many crops.
The present study is to investigate the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and …

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi species improve the fatty acids profile and nutrients status of soybean cultivars grown under drought stress

Z Ezzati Lotfabadi, W Weisany… - Journal of Applied …, 2022 -
Aims To investigate the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species on the
absorption and distribution of mineral nutrients in soybean cultivars under drought stress, an …

The adaptability of soybean high yield varieties and farmer preferences in dry land area

M Yusron, S Handoko, SS Tan - IOP Conference Series: Earth …, 2023 -
Soybean development is currently directed to dry land areas. To support this program,
IAARD has released some new varieties with a yield potential above 3 tons/ha. The aim of …

Pengaruh Cekaman Kekeringan pada Fase R1-R4 terhadap Kualitas Benih Kedelai Kultivar Dering 1

K Muhamad, AFN Suhendi… - Prosiding …, 2023 -
Cekaman pada fase kritis tanaman mempengaruhi tumbuh kembang hingga hasil tanaman.
Pada tanaman kedelai, salah satu fase kritisnya adalah fase reproduktif R1-R4. Cekaman …

Pemberian Berbagai Level Air dan Pengaruhnya Pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max (L) Merr) Varietas Grobogan

YH Mahardika, BH Simanjuntak - Vegetalika -
Faktor ketersediaan air tanah menjadi faktor pembatas pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai. Oleh
karena itu tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh pemberian berbagai level kadar …

[PDF][PDF] Application of Cow Manure Combined with Rice Husk Ash to Increase Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) Production in Indonesia Ultisol

D Budianta, E Febriana, SNA Fitri -
This study aims to determine the ability of CM (Cow Manure) combined with RHA (Rice Husk
Ash) to provide a significant effect on the growth and production of soybean planted in an …

[引用][C] Methanol Application and Soil Water Content: Increased Production and Cultivation of Soybean Plants

Z Maulana, A Muhibuddin, AT Fitriyah… - 2023 - Chinese Society of Agricultural …