Efficient privacy-preserving scheme for location based services in VANET system
A Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a type of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) that is
used to provide communications between nearby vehicles, and between vehicles and fixed …
used to provide communications between nearby vehicles, and between vehicles and fixed …
A short-list of pairing-friendly curves resistant to special TNFS at the 128-bit security level
A Guillevic - IACR international conference on public-key …, 2020 - Springer
There have been notable improvements in discrete logarithm computations in finite fields
since 2015 and the introduction of the Tower Number Field Sieve algorithm (TNFS) for …
since 2015 and the introduction of the Tower Number Field Sieve algorithm (TNFS) for …
Still wrong use of pairings in cryptography
O Uzunkol, MS Kiraz - Applied Mathematics and computation, 2018 - Elsevier
Recently many pairing-based cryptographic protocols have been designed with a wide
variety of new novel applications including the ones in the emerging technologies like cloud …
variety of new novel applications including the ones in the emerging technologies like cloud …
Cocks–Pinch curves of embedding degrees five to eight and optimal ate pairing computation
A Guillevic, S Masson, E Thomé - Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2020 - Springer
Recent algorithmic improvements of discrete logarithm computation in special extension
fields threaten the security of pairing-friendly curves used in practice. A possible answer to …
fields threaten the security of pairing-friendly curves used in practice. A possible answer to …
A taxonomy of pairings, their security, their complexity
R Barbulescu, N El Mrabet, L Ghammam - 2020 - hal.science
A recent NFS attack against pairings made it necessary to increase the key sizes of the most
popular families of pairings: BN, BLS12, KSS16, KSS18 and BLS24. The attack applies to …
popular families of pairings: BN, BLS12, KSS16, KSS18 and BLS24. The attack applies to …
SAID: reshaping signal into an identity-based asynchronous messaging protocol with authenticated ratcheting
As messaging applications are becoming increasingly popular, it is of utmost importance to
analyze their security and mitigate existing weaknesses. This paper focuses on one of the …
analyze their security and mitigate existing weaknesses. This paper focuses on one of the …
Attack and improvement of the recent identity-based encryption with authorized equivalence test in cluster computing
Recently, Elhabob et al. proposed an identity-based encryption with authorized equivalence
test (IBE-AET), which allows authorized testers to check whether messages in two …
test (IBE-AET), which allows authorized testers to check whether messages in two …
Improving the efficiency of report and trace ring signatures
Ring signatures allow signers to produce verifiable signatures and remain anonymous
within a set of signers (ie, the ring) while doing so. They are well-suited to protocols that …
within a set of signers (ie, the ring) while doing so. They are well-suited to protocols that …
Key management scheme for internet of things using an elliptic curve
SR Singh, KK Ajoy - Journal of Computational and Theoretical …, 2020 - ingentaconnect.com
With the advancements in wireless internet technology, a new computing ecosystem, the
Internet of Things (IoT), has ushered in numerous devices in many areas in our life as well …
Internet of Things (IoT), has ushered in numerous devices in many areas in our life as well …
Storage and communication security in cloud computing using a homomorphic encryption scheme based Weil pairing
DC Dogan, H Altindis - Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, 2020 - eejournal.ktu.lt
With introduction of smart things into our lives, cloud computing is used in many different
areas and changes the communication method. However, cloud computing should …
areas and changes the communication method. However, cloud computing should …