[HTML][HTML] Vulnerability assessment of small islands to tourism: The case of the Marine Tourism Park of the Gili Matra Islands, Indonesia
The Indonesian government is currently directing its focus of development on the optimum
uses of marine and coastal ecosystem services including the marine and coastal tourism …
uses of marine and coastal ecosystem services including the marine and coastal tourism …
The social-ecological status of small islands: An evaluation of island tourism destination management in Indonesia
A social-ecological system approach has been applied to measure the complexity of
sustainable tourism development on small islands. In general, tourism development and …
sustainable tourism development on small islands. In general, tourism development and …
Hypothetical effects assessment of tourism on coastal water quality in the Marine Tourism Park of the Gili Matra Islands, Indonesia
Tourism is one of the most important issues facing marine protected areas (MPAs) and small
islands worldwide. Tourism development is considered a contribution to pollution levels in …
islands worldwide. Tourism development is considered a contribution to pollution levels in …
Patterns of landscape change on small islands: A case of Gili Matra Islands, Marine Tourism Park, Indonesia
The aim of this study is to investigate patterns of landscape changes in small islands as
exemplified by Gili Matra Islands, Lombok, Indonesia. Satellite imagery, hard infrastructures …
exemplified by Gili Matra Islands, Lombok, Indonesia. Satellite imagery, hard infrastructures …
[PDF][PDF] Analisis valuasi ekonomi kawasan kebun raya Baturraden
IMP Rusmusi, IA Putra - Jurnal REP (Riset Ekonomi Pembangunan), 2018 - core.ac.uk
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi
jumlah kunjungan ke Baturraden Botanical Garden, mengetahui nilai surplus konsumen dan …
jumlah kunjungan ke Baturraden Botanical Garden, mengetahui nilai surplus konsumen dan …
Management of tourism areas based on disaster mitigation (case study of Senggigi Beach)
Tourism is often associated with magnificence and pleasure. But behind that, tourism is a
very vulnerable and fragile economic activity. One of the vulnerabilities that overshadow …
very vulnerable and fragile economic activity. One of the vulnerabilities that overshadow …
Uji Validasi Bahan Ajar Berbasis Keunggulan Lokal di SDN Gili Matra, Lombok Utara Nusa Tenggara Barat
A Sukri, BM Harisanti, BS Wahyuni… - JEMS: Jurnal …, 2017 - e-journal.unipma.ac.id
Abstract Taman Wisata Perairan (TWP) Gili Matra yang terdiri dari Gili Air, Gili Meno dan Gili
Trawangan merupakan lokasi wisata populer dan banyak dikenal oleh wisatawan …
Trawangan merupakan lokasi wisata populer dan banyak dikenal oleh wisatawan …
Perancangan Balai Budaya di Gili Trawangan Lombok Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Eco-Cultural
MN Fitria - 2020 - dspace.uii.ac.id
Bangunan Balai Budaya yang terletak di Gili Trawangan, Kabupaten Lombok Utara,
Provinsi NTB merupakan sebuah pusat kebudayaan yang didedikasikan bagi …
Provinsi NTB merupakan sebuah pusat kebudayaan yang didedikasikan bagi …
Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Wisata di Objek Wisata Pulau Pandang Kab. Batu Bara
WI Mandasari, YSJ Nst, A Atika - AL-MULTAZIM: Jurnal …, 2022 - jurnal.umsu.ac.id
The tourism industry is one of the right means in increasing the economic progress of the
community, both locally and globally. Tourism has many impacts and benefits, including in …
community, both locally and globally. Tourism has many impacts and benefits, including in …
[PDF][PDF] Studi Resiliensi Spasial Pulau-Pulau Kecil: Kasus Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Nasional, Taman Wisata Perairan Gili Ayer, Gili Meno, Dan Gili Trawangan …
F Kurniawan - Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor …, 2017 - researchgate.net
SUMMARY FERY KURNIAWAN. Study of Spatial Resilience of Small Islands: Case of the
National Marine Conservation Area, the Marine Tourism Park of the Gili Ayer, Gili Meno, and …
National Marine Conservation Area, the Marine Tourism Park of the Gili Ayer, Gili Meno, and …