Quantum transport in carbon nanotubes
Carbon nanotubes are a versatile material in which many aspects of condensed matter
physics come together. Recent discoveries have uncovered new phenomena that …
physics come together. Recent discoveries have uncovered new phenomena that …
[PDF][PDF] Модифицирование углеродных нанотрубок и синтез полимерных композитов с их участием
ЭР Бадамшина, МП Гафурова, ЯИ Эстрин - Успехи химии, 2010 - uspkhim.ru
Среди необычных структурных модификаций углерода, открытых в 80-х и 90-х годах
ХХ в., проявляющих принципиально новые свойства и, как теперь ясно, имеющих …
ХХ в., проявляющих принципиально новые свойства и, как теперь ясно, имеющих …
Emergent SU (4) Kondo physics in a spin–charge-entangled double quantum dot
Quantum impurity models, which describe how a local degree of freedom interacts with a
continuum, are central to condensed-matter physics. Such models may be naturally …
continuum, are central to condensed-matter physics. Such models may be naturally …
Quantum phase transition in quantum dot trimers
AK Mitchell, TF Jarrold, DE Logan - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter …, 2009 - APS
We investigate a system of three tunnel-coupled semiconductor quantum dots in a triangular
geometry, one of which is connected to a metallic lead, in the regime where each dot is …
geometry, one of which is connected to a metallic lead, in the regime where each dot is …
Modification of carbon nanotubes and synthesis of polymeric composites involving the nanotubes
ER Badamshina, MP Gafurova… - Russian Chemical …, 2010 - iopscience.iop.org
The results of studies, mainly published in recent years, on modification of carbon
nanotubes and design of composites with these nanotubes for the manufacture of new …
nanotubes and design of composites with these nanotubes for the manufacture of new …
Thermoelectric transport and current noise through a multilevel Anderson impurity: Three-body Fermi liquid corrections in quantum dots and magnetic alloys
Y Teratani, K Tsutsumi, K Motoyama, R Sakano… - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
We present a comprehensive Fermi liquid description for thermoelectric transport and
current noise, applicable to multilevel quantum dots (QD) and magnetic alloys (MA) without …
current noise, applicable to multilevel quantum dots (QD) and magnetic alloys (MA) without …
SO (5) non-Fermi liquid in a Coulomb box device
AK Mitchell, A Liberman, E Sela, I Affleck - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
Non-Fermi liquid (NFL) physics can be realized in quantum dot devices where competing
interactions frustrate the exact screening of dot spin or charge degrees of freedom. We show …
interactions frustrate the exact screening of dot spin or charge degrees of freedom. We show …
Linear response quantum transport through interacting multi-orbital nanostructures
Nanoelectronics devices, such as quantum dot systems or single-molecule transistors,
consist of a quantum nanostructure coupled to a macroscopic external electronic circuit …
consist of a quantum nanostructure coupled to a macroscopic external electronic circuit …
Heat current across a capacitively coupled double quantum dot
We study the heat current through two capacitively coupled quantum dots coupled in series
with two conducting leads at different temperatures TL and TR in the spinless case (valid for …
with two conducting leads at different temperatures TL and TR in the spinless case (valid for …
Two-channel Kondo phases and frustration-induced transitions in triple quantum dots
AK Mitchell, DE Logan - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials …, 2010 - APS
We study theoretically a ring of three quantum dots mutually coupled by antiferromagnetic
exchange interactions and tunnel-coupled to two metallic leads: the simplest model in which …
exchange interactions and tunnel-coupled to two metallic leads: the simplest model in which …