[图书][B] How antitrust failed workers

EA Posner - 2021 - books.google.com
A trenchant account of an unacknowledged driver of inequality and wage stagnation in
America: the failure of antitrust law to prevent the consolidation of employers, who use their …

The Economic Basis of the Independent Contractor/Employee Distinction

EA Posner - Tex. L. Rev., 2021 - HeinOnline
In recent years, a controversy has erupted over the distinction between employees and
independent contractors. Commentators have argued that in the modern gig economy, many …

Unbundling employment: Flexible benefits for the gig economy

SC Oranburg - Drexel L. Rev., 2018 - HeinOnline
Federal labor law requires employers to give employees a rigid bundle of benefits, including
the right to unionize, unemployment insurance, worker's compensation insurance, health …

The duties of online marketplaces

S Kreiczer-Levy - San Diego L. Rev., 2021 - HeinOnline
In a remarkable ruling, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals determined that Amazon is a seller
under Pennsylvania product liability law.'Several procedural stages later, the Oberdorf v …

The gig economy, smart contracts, and disruption of traditional work arrangements

S Oranburg, L Palagashvili - Smart Contracts, and Disruption of …, 2018 - papers.ssrn.com
The rapid growth of technology is not only creating innovative goods and services, but it is
also fundamentally altering the workplace and the traditional understanding of employee …

Transaction cost economics, labor law, and the gig economy

S Oranburg, L Palagashvili - The Journal of Legal Studies, 2021 - journals.uchicago.edu
The rapid growth of technology not only is creating innovative goods and services, but it is
also altering the workplace and the traditional understanding of relationships between …

Employment by design: Employees independent contractors and the theory of the firm

RR Carlson - Ark. L. Rev., 2018 - HeinOnline
Employment laws protect" employees" and impose duties on their" employers." In the
modem working world, however," employee" and" employer" status is not always clear. The …

[图书][B] Gigwork im deutschen und US-amerikanischen Recht

K Treppschuh - 2023 - nomos-elibrary.de
Das Werk untersucht anhand exemplarisch ausgewählten Gigwork-Plattformen, inwieweit
die Erkenntnisse aus den USA für das deutsche Recht fruchtbar gemacht werden können …

Information, classification and contestability: a cultural economics approach to Uber's entry into the taxi industry

AJ Evans - The Review of Austrian Economics, 2023 - Springer
Because of their novelty, the rise of large platform companies, such as Uber, pose a genuine
challenge to our attempts to classify and understand economic activities. This article utilises …

How Companies Should Manage Their Human Resources to Respond to the Disruptive Innovation Brought About by the Sharing Economy

L Turulja, E Delalic - Journal of East European Management Studies, 2021 - JSTOR
In recent years, the sharing economy has become a new buzzword, providing various
business opportunities and challenges to conventional businesses. It is characterized by the …