Rancangan Pembelajaran Berkarakteristik Inovatif Abad 21 Pada Materi Penguat Audio Dengan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek (Project Based Learning) di …

TDP Santoso - Cakrawala: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2022 - cakrawala.upstegal.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian rancangan pembelajaran pada
model pembelajaran abad 21. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis dokumen …

The Effectiveness of the Local Knowledge-Based Module (LKBM) on the Improvement of Science Literacy and Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students in …

U Uslan, N Abdullah, MKW Imami… - Jurnal Pendidikan IPA …, 2024 - journal.unnes.ac.id
Science literacy is an important 21st-century skill that must be mastered by students.
Science literacy is defined as the proficiency to engage with scientific ideas and knowledge …

The Potential of RQANI for Shaping Preservice Biology Teachers' Character at Islamic University

AM Amin - AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2023 - journal.staihubbulwathan.id
It is essential to support students' character development as part of the learning process to
prepare the next generation for global challenges. This study aimed to determine the impact …

[PDF][PDF] The analysis of needs for integrated science learning tools development for character education

I Nugroho, ND Shalikhah… - … : Islamic Teacher Journal, 2021 - researchgate.net
The direction of the development of science learning tools at this time still has not
accommodated the students' character building in elementary school, both SD/MI (Islamic …

[PDF][PDF] The roles and capabilities of formal, non-formal, and informal institutions in shaping education access in Cigugur Sub-district, West Java, Indonesia

M Lim, L Permana, VB Hongo, K Kiandra… - … Research and Critics …, 2021 - academia.edu
The objective of this research paper is to explore the capacities of formal, non-formal, and
informal educational institutions, as parts of social institutions. The roles of these institutions …

Pengembangan Buku Digital Interaktif (Budin) Pada Materi Struktur Dan Fungsi Sel Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Siswa Kelas Xi Sma Negeri 2 Meulaboh

F Saswulan, K Hadi, FD Syamsu - Jurnal Genta Mulia, 2020 - ejournal.uncm.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan buku ajar biologi yang efektif terhadap
pemahaman konsep siswa SMA Negeri 2 Meulaboh. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian …

A Digital Instructional Book: A Tool For Improving Students' Learning Outcomes on the Redox Reaction

IW Redhana, IBN Sudria… - Science Education …, 2024 - icaseonline.net
The rapid development of information and communication technology demands the
production of digital products. This study aims to produce a digital instructional book based …

The Effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills

SA Cahayu, J Siburian, A Hamidah - Integrated Science Education …, 2024 - cahaya-ic.com
Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of problem-based
learning (PBL) model based on local wisdom in making lemang kancung beruk to improve …

Implementation of Augmented Reality Teaching and Learning Kit to Enhance Visualization, Motivation and Understanding among TVET Students

ME Ismail, CMFEC Mut, KAM Daud… - … in Applied Sciences …, 2024 - semarakilmu.com.my
Augmented Reality (AR) technology is one of the increasingly preferred choices for
educational development of education. This study aims to identify the level of visualization …

[PDF][PDF] The Effect of Teachers' Role in Learning on the Learning Outcomes of High School Students

K Hadi, D Dazrullisa, E Susantini… - … Research and Critics …, 2020 - academia.edu
The teacher influences the success of the learning process. Therefore, teachers need to
have the ability and carry out the learning process as a learning agent as mandated by Law …