Optimizing piezoresistive mems pressure sensor on a double cross beam silicon diaphragm with statistical curve-fitting and optimization techniques

D Kanekal, SK Jindal - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This work presents a novel micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) piezoresistive-
pressure sensor based on a double crossbeam circular diaphragm with a peninsula …

Metal-Oksġt Yari Ġletken Ġnce Fġlm Bġrġktġrme Yöntemlerġ Gle Gġyġlebġlġr Sensör Uygulamalari

E Nayman - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Bu çalıĢmada, esnek bir malzeme olan ticari iplikler üzerine yarıiletken metal oksit
biriktirerek, bu ipliklerin sensör olarak kullanılması amaçlanmıĢtır. Altlık malzeme olarak …

Research on the Design of Intelligent System of College Physical Education in the Era of 5G+ Artificial Intelligence

H Tian - Proceedings of the First International Conference on …, 2024 - books.google.com
The functional requirements of physical education class course management in colleges
and universities are now very complicated: the generation of elective courses, the …

[引用][C] 실리콘압저항압력센서의성능향상을위한베이지안최적화기반보강구조설계

최혁준, 유승화 - 대한기계학회춘추학술대회, 2023 - dbpia.co.kr
실리콘 압저항 압력센서의 성능 향상을 위한 베이지안 최적화 기반 보강 구조 설계 Page 1 KSME
2-page extended abstract Template 1 실리콘 압저항 압력센서의 성능 향상을 위한 베이지안 …