Exchange rate risk and business cycles

SP Lloyd, EA Marin - 2019 -
We show that currencies with a steeper yield curve tend to depreciate at business cycle
horizons, in violation of uncovered interest parity (UIP), but the yield curve adds no …

Essays in International Macroeconomics

M Flaccadoro - 2022 -
This work studies the impact of foreign shocks on advanced and emerging small-open
economies, along different dimensions. Chapter 1 studies pass-through of exchange rates to …

[PDF][PDF] Prediction intervals for model combinations of direct and iterated forecasts with an application to forecasting Australian household consumption

H McLean, J Dark -
The increasing availability of high‑frequency data and the desire for timely forecast updates
has seen widespread use of the mixed data sampling (MIDAS) model. This model for …

[PDF][PDF] The Yield Curve as a Predictor of Business Cycle

I Dadashova, I Demchuk - 2020 -
In the Master Thesis, we study the yield curve's predictability power for the business cycle in
developing countries. For this research, we want to answer the question if the inverted yield …