[图书][B] The free-market innovation machine: Analyzing the growth miracle of capitalism

WJ Baumol - 2002 - degruyter.com
Why has capitalism produced economic growth that so vastly dwarfs the growth record of
other economic systems, past and present? Why have living standards in countries from …

Principles of neo-Schumpeterian economics

H Hanusch, A Pyka - Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2007 - academic.oup.com
Within the last 25 years great progress has been made in Neo-Schumpeterian Economics,
this branch of economic literature which deals with dynamic processes causing qualitative …

Adaptive economic growth

JS Metcalfe, J Foster, R Ramlogan - Cambridge journal of …, 2006 - academic.oup.com
This paper develops an evolutionary theory of adaptive growth, understood as a product of
structural change and economic self-transformation, based upon processes that are closely …

[图书][B] Localised technological change: towards the economics of complexity

C Antonelli - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
The extent to which firms can react creatively to rather than adjust passively against new
techniques and practices is dependent on their command of technological knowledge and …

[图书][B] The economics of contracts: Theories and applications

E Brousseau, JM Glachant - 2002 - books.google.com
A contract is an agreement under which two parties make reciprocal commitments in terms
of their behavior to coordinate. As this concept has become essential to economics in the …

Surveying structural change: Seminal contributions and a bibliometric account

EG Silva, AAC Teixeira - Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2008 - Elsevier
Structural change analysis has an important tradition in economic theory. However, up to the
present date, no attempt had been made to provide an overall survey on the matter. This …

The effect of consumption and production structure on growth and distribution. A micro to macro model

T Ciarli, A Lorentz, M Savona, M Valente - Metroeconomica, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
The paper offers a theoretical analysis of long‐run economic growth as an outcome of
structural changes. We model the microeconomic behaviour of firms in the final good and …

Structure, agency and change in the car regime: A review of the literature

G Marletto - 2010 - mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de
This paper is aimed at filling the gap between the already well structured literature on the'car
regime'and the debate on policies for sustainable transport. Two main results emerge from …

Diversification, structural change, and economic development

PP Saviotti, A Pyka¤, B Jun - Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2020 - Springer
This study investigates how structural change that leads to increasing output variety was
gradually perceived by economists and eventually incorporated into models of economic …

[PDF][PDF] Multi-criteria analysis in transport project evaluation: an institutional approach

K De Brucker, C Macharis, A Verbeke - European Transport, 2011 - openstarts.units.it
We demonstrate that multi-criteria analysis (MCA), though initially developed in the
operations research field, can be usefully applied within the context of the stakeholder …