The Development of Hologram Media on the Motion of Object in Physics to Improve Students Learning Outcomes in Junior High School

NZ Agustian, AM Setiawan - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2024 -
The quality of science learning in Indonesia is still low based on PISA results. One way to
improve the quality of learning is to develop innovative learning media. This study aims to …

Arabic Language Learning Strategies in Increasing Learning Interest in Class VII Mufrodat Material at MTs Al Khairiyah Bandar Lampung

W Setiawati, RD Puspitasari - … Journal Corner of …, 2023 -
This study aimed to discover the strategies for learning Arabic in increasing students' interest
in studying mufrodat material for class VII Mts Al Khiriyah Bandar Lampung. The …

Measuring pre-service physics teachers' ability to create renewable energy learning media through project-based learning

M Satriawan, M Anggaryani, A Kholiq… - Journal of Physics …, 2024 -
This research aims to measure the ability of pre-service physics teachers to create project-
based physics learning media that focuses on renewable energy materials based on several …

The Head of Madrasah's Strategy in Improving Teacher Performance at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung

W Sari, RD Puspitasari… - Journal Corner of …, 2023 -
This research aims to determine the increase in teacher performance by the head of the
madrasah as the manager of educational institutions at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung, to find out …

Development of Explosion Box Learning Media in Islamic Religious Education Subject for Students of Junior High School

F Fatmawati, M Muhaemin… - Educational Journal of …, 2024 -
Abstract Islamic Religious Education learning at SMPN 9 North Kolaka focuses on theory
and textbooks without utilizing various learning media such as Explosion boxes. It causes a …

[PDF][PDF] The Effect of Augmented Reality Flashcards towards Learning Results in Computer Networking Subject by Students of Vocational High Schools in Bali Province

DS Wahyuni, IGB Subawa, IKA Pradnyana… - I extend my heartfelt … -
This study examines the prospective potential of flashcards in augmented reality (AR) that
deliver a real learning experience for networking coursework. Moreover, we scrutinize the …